Man pages for mchikina/CellCODE
Cell type COmputational Differential Estimation.

CellCODE-packageCell type COmputational Differential Estimation
cellCountsCoulter Counts from Shen-Orr dataset
cellPopCAssign cell population using correlation
cellPopFAssign cell population using interaction F statistic
cellPopTAssign cell population using correlation
combineTagsCombines cell type marker matricies
cordistCorrelation based distance function.
corplotPlot correlation structure.
DMAPThe Differentiation Map (DMAP) dataset.
f.pvalueF p-values
fstatsF statistic
GarvanGarvan pure blood cell expression dataset.
getAllSPVsGet surrogate proportion variables (SPVs)
GSE20300Gene Expression data for GSE20300 (Shen-Orr et al. kidney...
GSE20300.grpClinical group labels for GSE20300
IRISImmune Response In Silico Dataset
isRowmaxIs Row Max?
lm.coefSimple linear model fitting
numAtFDRComputes recall at a specified FDR
randomizeExprandomise expression
residQuick residual
simulateMixtureSimulate a mixture dataset
svdIntGrpSVD with group interaction
svdsscaled SVD
tagDataFinds cell type markers for a matrix of pure cell type...
varExplainedReports the fraction of variance explained by the model for...
mchikina/CellCODE documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:13 p.m.