tagData: Finds cell type markers for a matrix of pure cell type...

Usage Arguments


tagData(data, cutoff = 2, max = NULL, ref = NULL, ref.mean = F)



Pure cell expression data. Each column represents a unique cell type.


In order to be considered a marker gene the gene's expression in a single cell type must exceed all other cell types by this amount.


The maximum number of marker genes to return. The most highly expressed genes are picked from the set of eligible genes.


A reference dataset. This dataset is used to filter the set of genes so that every marker gene is present in the reference dataset


Use the reference dataset to define genes expression levels. With this option which marker genes are returned (if max is set to a number) is based on their expression in the reference dataset and not the pure cell dataset. Can be useful if the absolute expression levels in the pure cell dataset are unreliable.

mchikina/CellCODE documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:13 p.m.