
Defines functions scorr.close scorr.highlight.name scorr.highlight.index scorr.get.name scorr.get.acor scorr.get.cor scorr.get.acorr scorr.get.corr scorr.get.density scorr.get.selected scorr.get.size scorr.get.secondary scorr.get.primary scorr.set.secondary scorr.set.primary

Documented in scorr.close scorr.get.acor scorr.get.acorr scorr.get.cor scorr.get.corr scorr.get.density scorr.get.name scorr.get.primary scorr.get.secondary scorr.get.selected scorr.get.size scorr.highlight.index scorr.highlight.name scorr.set.primary scorr.set.secondary

scorr <- function (data, alpha = 0.1, useDensity = T, showProfile = T, showPatch = F, threshold = 0, coloring = 1 : nrow(data), perms = 0){

  nc <- ncol(data)

  v <- apply(data[,1:(nc-1)], 1, "var")
  if(sum(v==0) > 0){
    warning("Data contains rows with zero variance. Removing zero variance rows. Changed data frame will be returned.")
  data = data[v > threshold, ]
  coloring = coloring[v > threshold  ]

  l <-  data[, nc]
  lnames <- levels(l)
  ml = length(lnames)
  Y = as.matrix(data[, 1:(nc-1)])
  Y[] = as.double(Y[])

  .Call("scorr", ncol(Y), nrow(Y), t(Y), 
                      as.integer(as.numeric(l)-1), as.character(lnames), 
                      as.integer(perms), as.numeric(coloring),
                      as.integer(useDensity), as.integer(showProfile),
                      as.integer(showPatch), as.double(alpha))

scorr.set.primary <- function(v){
  .Call("scorrSetProjection", as.double(v), as.integer(length(v)), as.integer(0) )

scorr.set.secondary <- function(v){
  .Call("scorrSetProjection", as.double(v), as.integer(length(v)),
as.integer(1) )

scorr.get.primary <- function(v){
  .Call("scorrGetProjection", as.integer(0) )

scorr.get.secondary <- function(v){
  .Call("scorrGetProjection", as.integer(1) )

scorr.get.size <- function(){

scorr.get.selected <- function(){

scorr.get.density <- function(){
  n <- .Call("scorrGetSize")
  ind <- .Call("scorrGetCorIndex", n)
  d <- .Call("scorrGetDensity", as.integer(ind), as.integer(length(ind)) )
  name <- scorr.get.name(ind)
  val <- .Call("scorrGetCorValue", as.integer(ind), as.integer(length(ind)) )
  df <- data.frame(index = ind, density = d, name=name, cor=val)

scorr.get.corr <- function(p){
  n <- .Call("scorrGetSize")
  ind <- .Call("scorrGetCorIndex", n)
  val <- .Call("scorrGetCorValue", as.integer(ind), as.integer(length(ind)) )
  name <- scorr.get.name(ind)
  df <- data.frame(index = ind, cor=val, name=name)
  df <- subset(df, cor > p)

scorr.get.acorr <- function(p){
  n <- .Call("scorrGetSize")
  ind <- .Call("scorrGetCorIndex", -n)
  val <- .Call("scorrGetCorValue", as.integer(ind), as.integer(length(ind)) )
  name <- scorr.get.name(ind)
  df <- data.frame(index = ind, cor=val, name=name)
  df <- subset(df, cor < -p)

scorr.get.cor <- function(n){
  ind <- .Call("scorrGetCorIndex", as.integer(n) )
  val <- .Call("scorrGetCorValue", as.integer(ind), as.integer(length(ind)) )
  name <- scorr.get.name(ind)
  df <- data.frame(index = ind, cor=val, name=name)

scorr.get.acor <- function(n){
  ind <- .Call("scorrGetCorIndex", as.integer(-n) )
  val <- .Call("scorrGetCorValue", as.integer(ind), as.integer(length(ind)) )
  name <- scorr.get.name(ind);
  df <- data.frame(index = ind, cor=val, name=name)

scorr.get.name <- function(indices){
  .Call("scorrGetName", as.integer(indices), as.integer(length(indices)) );

scorr.highlight.index <- function(indices){
  .Call("scorrHighlightIndex", as.integer(indices),
as.integer(length(indices)) )

scorr.highlight.name <- function(names){
  .Call("scorrHighlightName", as.character(names),
as.integer(length(names)) )

scorr.close <-  function(){
mckennapsean/scorrplot documentation built on July 27, 2020, 10:47 p.m.