
Defines functions var.rr.dr

## Sandwich estimator for variance of RR

var.rr.dr = function(y, x, va, vb, vc, alpha.dr, alpha.ml, beta.ml, gamma, 
    optimal, weights) {
    pscore = as.vector(expit(vc %*% gamma))
    n = length(pscore)
    ### 1. - E[dS/d(alpha.ml,beta.ml)] ############################## Computing
    ### the Hessian:
    Hrr = Hessian2RR(y, x, va, vb, alpha.ml, beta.ml, weights)
    hessian = Hrr$hessian
    p0 = Hrr$p0; p1  = Hrr$p1; pA = Hrr$pA
    dpsi0.by.dtheta  = Hrr$dpsi0.by.dtheta
    dpsi0.by.dphi    = Hrr$dpsi0.by.dphi
    dtheta.by.dalpha = Hrr$dtheta.by.dalpha 
    dphi.by.dbeta    = Hrr$dphi.by.dbeta
    dl.by.dpsi0      = Hrr$dl.by.dpsi0
    ############# extra building blocks ##########################
    H.alpha = y * exp(-x * (as.vector(va %*% alpha.dr)))
    ############# Calculation of optimal vector (used in several places below) ##
    if (optimal == TRUE) {
        theta = as.vector(va %*% alpha.ml)  # avoid n by 1 matrix
        dtheta.by.dalpha.beta = cbind(va, matrix(0, n, length(beta.ml)))
        wt = 1/(1 - p0 + (1 - pscore) * (exp(-theta) - 1))
    } else {
        wt = rep(1, n)
    ### 2. -E[dU.by.dalphaml.betaml] ####################################
    dU.by.dp0 = -va * wt * (x - pscore)  # n by 2
    dp0.by.dpsi0 = p0
    dpsi0.by.dalpha.beta = cbind(dpsi0.by.dtheta * dtheta.by.dalpha, dpsi0.by.dphi * 
        dphi.by.dbeta)  # n by 4
    # 4 = 2 (alpha) + 2 (beta)
    dp0.by.dalpha.beta = dpsi0.by.dalpha.beta * dp0.by.dpsi0  # n by 4
    dU.by.dwt = va * (x - pscore) * (H.alpha - p0)  # n by 2
    dwt.by.dwti = -wt^2  # n
    # wti is short for wt_inv
    dU.by.dwti = dU.by.dwt * dwt.by.dwti  # n by 2
    if (optimal == TRUE) {
        dwti.by.dalpha.beta = -dp0.by.dalpha.beta - (1 - pscore) * exp(-theta) * 
            dtheta.by.dalpha.beta  # n by 4    
    } else {
        dwti.by.dalpha.beta = matrix(0, n, ncol(va) + ncol(vb))
    dU.by.dalpha.ml.beta.ml = t(dU.by.dp0 * weights) %*% dp0.by.dalpha.beta + 
        t(dU.by.dwti * weights) %*% dwti.by.dalpha.beta
    ### 3. tau = -E[dU/dalpha.dr] ######################################## (This
    ### is the bread of the sandwich estimate)
    dU.by.dH = va * wt * (x - pscore)  # n by 2
    dH.by.dalpha.dr = -va * x * H.alpha  # n by 2 
    tau = -t(dU.by.dH * weights) %*% dH.by.dalpha.dr/sum(weights)  # 2 by 2
    ### 4. E[d(prop score score equation)/dgamma]
    dpscore.by.dgamma = vc * pscore * (1 - pscore)  # n by 2   
    part4 = -t(vc * weights) %*% dpscore.by.dgamma  # 2 by 2
    ### 5. E[dU/dgamma]
    dU.by.dpscore = -va * wt * (H.alpha - p0)  # n by 2
    if (optimal == TRUE) {
        dwti.by.dpscore = 1 - exp(-theta)  # n
        dwti.by.dgamma = dpscore.by.dgamma * dwti.by.dpscore  # n by 2
    } else {
        dwti.by.dgamma = matrix(0, n, ncol(vc))
    dU.by.dgamma = t(dU.by.dpscore * weights) %*% dpscore.by.dgamma + t(dU.by.dwti * 
        weights) %*% dwti.by.dgamma  # 2 by 2
    ############################################################################# Assembling semi-parametric variance matrix
    U = va * wt * (x - pscore) * (H.alpha - p0)  # n by 2
    S = cbind(dl.by.dpsi0 * (dpsi0.by.dtheta + x) * dtheta.by.dalpha, dl.by.dpsi0 * 
        dpsi0.by.dphi * dphi.by.dbeta)
    pscore.score = vc * (x - pscore)
    Utilde = U - t(dU.by.dalpha.ml.beta.ml %*% (-solve(hessian)) %*% t(S)) - 
        t(dU.by.dgamma %*% (solve(part4)) %*% t(pscore.score))  # n by 2
    USigma = t(Utilde * weights) %*% Utilde/sum(weights)
    ################################### Asymptotic var matrix for alpha.dr
    alpha.dr.variance = solve(tau) %*% USigma %*% solve(tau)/sum(weights)
mclements/brm documentation built on June 20, 2020, 9:22 p.m.