
model.mixture.beta.importance <- function(n.samples, h, alpha.1, beta.1, alpha.2, beta.2, delta, ...) {
    if (!is.function(h)) stop("h must be a function (use identity for expectation)")

    # Uniform envelope
    x <- runif(n.samples, 0, 1)
    weights <- dbetamixture(x, alpha.1, beta.1, alpha.2, beta.2, delta) / dunif(x, 0, 1)

    # Standardized weights
    weights.std <- weights / sum(weights)
    expectation.h <- sum(h(x, ...) * weights.std)    

    # Raw weights
    expectation.h.raw <- sum(h(x, ...) * weights) / n.samples

    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(expectation.h, expectation.h.raw, tolerance = 0.01)))
        warning("Expectation differs for standardized and raw weights\n",
                sprintf("Standardized: %f. \t Non-standardized: %f.",
                        expectation.h, expectation.h.raw))

rbetamixture <- function(n, alpha.1, beta.1, alpha.2, beta.2, delta) {
    check.betamixture(n, alpha.1, beta.1, alpha.2, beta.2, delta)
    # Equivilent to binomial(1, delta)
    state.vec <- sample(1:2, prob = c(delta, 1 - delta), size = n.samples, replace = TRUE)
    alpha.vec <- c(alpha.1, alpha.2)
    beta.vec <- c(beta.1, beta.2)
    rbeta(n = n, shape1 = alpha.vec[state.vec], shape2 = beta.vec[state.vec])

dbetamixture <- function(x, alpha.1, beta.1, alpha.2, beta.2, delta) {
    check.betamixture(length(x), alpha.1, beta.1, alpha.2, beta.2, delta)
    delta*dbeta(x, alpha.1, beta.1) + (1-delta)*dbeta(x, alpha.2, beta.2)   

check.betamixture <- function(n, alpha.1, beta.1, alpha.2, beta.2, delta) {
    stopifnot(delta >= 0, delta <= 1, alpha.1 > 0, alpha.2 > 0,
              beta.1 > 0, beta.2 > 0, n %% 1 == 0)

square <- function(x) x^2

square.minus <- function(x, mu) (x - mu)^2

indicator <- function(x, lower, upper) ifelse(x >= lower & x <= upper, 1, 0)

mdelhey/stat622 documentation built on May 22, 2019, 3:25 p.m.