
predict.addreg.smooth <- function(object, newdata = NULL, type = c("link", "response",
    "terms"), terms = NULL, na.action = na.pass, ...)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    na.act <- object$na.action
    object$na.action <- NULL
    object$terms <- object$terms.full
        pred <- switch(type, link = object$linear.predictors, 
                    response = object$fitted.values,
                    terms = predict.addreg(object, type = "terms", terms = terms))
    else {
        gp <- interpret.addreg.smooth(object$full.formula)
        smoothterms <- names(gp$smooth.spec)
        knots <- object$knots
        for(smth in smoothterms) {
            smthlabel <- gp$smooth.spec[[smth]]$termlabel
            smthtype <- class(gp$smooth.spec[[smth]])
            x <- newdata[[smth]]
            if(class(x) != "numeric")
                stop(gettextf("error in %s: variable %s in newdata must be numeric",
                        smthlabel, smth), domain = NA)
            if(smthtype == "Iso.smooth") {
                if(any(x < knots[[smth]][1] | x > knots[[smth]][length(knots[[smth]])]))
                    stop(gettextf("error in %s: the newdata must be in the range %g to %g",
                            smthlabel, knots[[smth]][1], knots[[smth]][length(knots[[smth]])]),
                            domain = NA)
                x.new <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = length(knots[[smth]])-1)
                for(i in 2:length(knots[[smth]]))
                    x.new[,(i-1)] <- as.numeric(x >= knots[[smth]][i])
                colnames(x.new) <- paste(smthlabel, 2L:length(knots[[smth]]), sep = "")
            } else if(smthtype == "B.smooth") {
				B <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = length(knots[[smth]])-3)
                B[!is.na(x),] <- splines::splineDesign(knots[[smth]], x[!is.na(x)], ord = 3, outer.ok = FALSE)
                colnames(B) <- paste(smthlabel, seq_len(ncol(B)), sep = "")
                x.new <- B[, -1, drop = FALSE]
            newdata <- cbind(newdata, x.new)
        pred <- predict.addreg(object, newdata, type, terms, na.action)
    if (missing(newdata) && !is.null(na.act))
        pred <- napredict(na.act, pred)
mdonoghoe/addreg documentation built on May 22, 2019, 4:19 p.m.