
Defines functions detectSpClass reverse_geomMultiPoint reverse_geomPoint loopBranchLine dropZeroRowFromList reverse_geomLine loopBranchPoly reverse_geomPoly geomnames spFromTable sp.data.frame sp

Documented in sp sp.data.frame

setOldClass( c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame" ) )
setOldClass( c("grouped_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame" ) )

setOldClass( c("vertex_table", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame" ) )

#' Convert from dplyr tbl form to Spatial*DataFrame.
#' @param x tibble as created by \code{\link{sptable}}
#' @param crs projection, defaults to \code{NA_character_}
#' @param attr_tab remaining data from the attributes
#' @param ... unused
#' @return Spatial*
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% distinct_
#' @importFrom sp coordinates CRS SpatialPoints SpatialPointsDataFrame Line Lines SpatialLines SpatialLinesDataFrame Polygon Polygons SpatialPolygons SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' semap1 <- semap  %>% dplyr::filter(y_ > -89.9999)
#' sp_obj <- sp(semap1, attr_tab = seatt, crs = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")
#' ## look, seamless Antarctica!
#' ## library(rgdal); plot(spTransform(sp_obj, "+proj=laea +lat_0=-70"))
sp <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname sp
#' @export
sp.data.frame <- function(x, attr_tab = NULL, crs, ...) {
  spFromTable(x, attr_tab = attr_tab, crs = crs, ...)

## spFromTable must deal with the following cases (so we don't need class-methods)
## fortified table (done)
## sp_df type, easy just grab the "Spatial_" column
## sportify type, unnest once
## nsp_df type, unnest twice (need name of column)
## db_df type, inner_join Object, Branch, Vertex and re-nest to sportify

#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols distinct_
#' @importFrom rlang .data
spFromTable <- function(x, attr_tab =  NULL, crs, ..., topol_ = NULL) {
  if (missing(crs)) crs <- attr(x, "crs")
  if (is.null(crs)) crs <- NA_character_
  ## raster::geom form
  if (is.null(topol_)) target <- detectSpClass(x) else target <- topol_
  ## check for minimum sensible number of coordinates
  minc <- c(SpatialPolygonsDataFrame = 3, SpatialLinesDataFrame = 2, SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame = 1, SpatialPointsDataFrame = 1)[target]
  if (nrow(x) < minc) stop(sprintf("target is %s but input table has  %i %s", target, nrow(x), c("rows", "row")[(nrow(x) ==1)+1]))
  dat <- dplyr::distinct(x, .data$object_, .keep_all = TRUE)

  n_object <- nrow(dat)
  n_attribute <- nrow(attr_tab)
  if (is.null(n_attribute)) n_attribute <- n_object
  if (!(n_attribute == n_object)) stop("number of rows in attr must match distinct object in x")
  if (!is.null(attr_tab)) dat <- dplyr::bind_cols(dat, attr_tab)
  # dat <- as.data.frame(dat)
  gom <- switch(target,
                SpatialPolygonsDataFrame = reverse_geomPoly(x, dat, crs),
                SpatialLinesDataFrame = reverse_geomLine(x, dat, crs),
                SpatialPointsDataFrame = reverse_geomPoint(x, dat, crs),
                SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame = reverse_geomMultiPoint(x, dat, crs)

## convert this to sptable type (Spatial_, Object)
geomnames <- function() {
  list(SpatialPolygonsDataFrame = c("object_",  "branch_", "island_", "order_", "x_", "y_"),
       SpatialLinesDataFrame = c("object_",  "branch_", "order_", "x_", "y_"),
       ## strictly why not allow ordering on Multipoints, but why use sp for them anyway . . .
       SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame = c("branch_", "object_", "x_", "y_"),
       SpatialPointsDataFrame = c("object_", "x_", "y_"))

reverse_geomPoly <- function(x, d, proj) {
  objects <- split(x, x$object_)
  ## remove those columns used by reconstruction?
  d$branch_ <- d$object_ <- d$island_ <- d$order_ <- d$x_ <- d$y_ <- NULL
  if (ncol(d) < 1) d[["rownumber_"]] <- seq(nrow(d))
  if (ncol(d) < 1L) d$id_ <- seq(nrow(d))  ## we might end up with no attributes
  ## match.ID should be replaced by method to carry the original rownames somehow
  SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(SpatialPolygons(lapply(objects, loopBranchPoly), proj4string = CRS(proj)), d, match.ID = FALSE)
loopBranchPoly <- function(a) Polygons(lapply(dropZeroRowFromList(split(a, a$branch_)),
                                              function(b) Polygon(as.matrix(b[, c("x_", "y_")]), hole = !b$island_[1L])), as.character(a$object_[1L]))

reverse_geomLine <- function(x, d, proj) {
  objects <- split(x, x$object_)
  d$branch_ <- d$object_ <- d$order_ <- d$x_ <- d$y_ <- NULL
  if (ncol(d) < 1L) d$rownumber_ <- seq(nrow(d))  ## we might end up with no attributes
  SpatialLinesDataFrame(SpatialLines(lapply(objects, loopBranchLine), proj4string = CRS(proj)), d, match.ID = FALSE)
dropZeroRowFromList <- function(x) x[unlist(lapply(x, nrow), use.names = FALSE) > 0L]
loopBranchLine<- function(a) Lines(lapply(dropZeroRowFromList(split(a, a$branch_)), function(b) Line(as.matrix(b[, c("x_", "y_")]))), as.character(a$object_[1L]))

reverse_geomPoint <- function(a, d, proj) {
  # stop("not implemented")
  ## the decomposition is not yet applied for Multipoints . . .
  ## if (length(unique(a$object)) > 1) warning("no support for Multipoints yet")
  spts <- SpatialPoints(as.matrix(a[, c("x_", "y_")]))
  d$object_ <- d$x_ <- d$y_ <- NULL
  if (ncol(d) < 1) d[["rownumber_"]] <- seq(nrow(d))
  SpatialPointsDataFrame(spts, d, proj4string = CRS(proj))
#' @importFrom sp SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame SpatialMultiPoints
reverse_geomMultiPoint <- function(a, d, proj) {
  d$branch_ <- d$object_  <- d$x_ <- d$y_ <- NULL
  if (ncol(d) < 1L) d$rownumber_ <- seq(nrow(d))  ## we might end up with no attributes

  SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame(SpatialMultiPoints(lapply(split(a[, c("x_", "y_")], a$object_), as.matrix)), d, proj4string = CRS(proj))
detectSpClass <- function(x) {
  #if ("topol_" %in% names(x)) return(topol2sp(x$topol_))
  gn <- geomnames()
  for (i in seq_along(gn)) {
    if (all(gn[[i]] %in% names(x))) return(names(gn)[i])

  #if (all(gn$SpatialPolygonsDataFrame %in% names(x))) return("SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
  #if (all(gn$SpatialLinesDataFrame %in% names(x))) return("SpatialLinesDataFrame")
  #if (all(gn$SpatialPointsDataFrame %in% names(x))) return("SpatialPointsDataFrame")
  #if (all(gn$SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame %in% names(x))) return("SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame")
  # cat("cannot find matching topology type from these columns")
  stop('cannot create Spatial* object from this input, matching topology type from these columns')

mdsumner/spbabel documentation built on March 15, 2023, 5:03 p.m.