Man pages for mengchen18/proturn
System-wise protein turnover curve fitting

collapseIntesityCollapse rows of an intensity matrix according to a...
combViewshiny module server - view curves
combViewUIshiny module, view UI
degCurveCalculating ratio of proteins turnover using theoretical...
ebardraw horizontal error bars
fitDegNLSFitting protein degradation curve using NLS algorithm
fitNLSModelsFitting protein degradation/synthesis curves using nonlinear...
fitSynNLSFitting synthesis curve using NLS algorithm
fmodshiny module - fitting in server
fmodUIshiny module, curve fitting UI
plotCurveplot protein degration/synthesis curve
plotCurve.combplot curve from combined fitting
plotCurve.oneplot a single fit of degradation or synthesis curve
refitwoOutlierUsing subset of rows in a matrix to refit NLS model
runShinyLanch shiny application for protein degradation/synthesis...
sigDFrounds the values in a data.frame
mengchen18/proturn documentation built on May 30, 2019, 4:37 p.m.