## functions for MEPHAS
##' @title Panel functions for mephas
##' @return panel for upload files used in mephas
##' @examples
##' # NOT Run
##' @importFrom stats cor reshape
##' @importFrom magrittr %>%
##' @importFrom ROCR prediction performance
##' @importFrom psych describeBy
##' @import ggplot2
##' @import shiny
##' @param file input data
##' @param header input header name
##' @param col input column name
##' @param sep input separator name
##' @param quote input quote name
##' @export
tabPanel.upload <- function(file ="file", header="header", col="col", sep="sep", quote="quote"){
tabPanel("Upload Data", p(br()),
p(tags$b("Upload data will cover the example data")),
p(("Please refer to the example data format to upload new data")),
#p("We suggested putting the dependent variable (Y) in the left side of all independent variables (X) "),
fileInput(file, "1. Choose CSV/TXT file", accept = c("text/csv","text/comma-separated-values,text/plain",".csv")),
p(tags$b("2. Show 1st row as column names?")),
#checkboxInput("header", "Yes", TRUE),
inputId = header,
label_on = "Yes",
icon_on = icon("check"),
status_on = "info",
status_off = "warning",
label_off = "No",
icon_off = icon("remove"),
value = TRUE
p(tags$b("3. Use 1st column as row names? (No duplicates)")),
#checkboxInput("col", "Yes", TRUE),
inputId = col,
label_on = "Yes",
icon_on = icon("check"),
status_on = "info",
status_off = "warning",
label_off = "No",
icon_off = icon("remove"),
value = TRUE
inputId = sep,
label = "4. Which separator for data?",
status = "info",
fill = TRUE,
icon = icon("check"),
choiceNames = list(
HTML("Comma (,): CSV often uses this"),
HTML("One Tab (->|): TXT often uses this"),
HTML("Semicolon (;)"),
HTML("One Space (_)")
choiceValues = list(",", "\t", ";", " ")
inputId = quote,
label = "5. Which quote for characters?",
status = "info",
fill = TRUE,
icon = icon("check"),
choices = c("None" = "",
"Double Quote" = '"',
"Single Quote" = "'"),
selected = '"'),
p("Correct separator and quote ensure the successful data input"),
a(tags$i("Find some example data here"),href = "https://github.com/mephas/datasets")
##' @title panel functions in MEPHAS
##' @return panel for upload files used in mephas
##' @examples
##' # NOT Run
##' @param file input data
##' @param header input header name
##' @param col input column name
##' @param sep input separator name
##' @export
tabPanel.upload.num <- function(file ="file", header="header", col="col", sep="sep"){
tabPanel("Upload Data", p(br()),
p(tags$b("Upload data will cover the example data")),
fileInput(file, "1. Choose CSV/TXT file", accept = c("text/csv","text/comma-separated-values,text/plain",".csv")),
p(tags$b("2. Show 1st row as column names?")),
#checkboxInput("header", "Yes", TRUE),
inputId = header,
label_on = "Yes",
icon_on = icon("check"),
status_on = "info",
status_off = "warning",
label_off = "No",
icon_off = icon("remove"),
value = TRUE
p(tags$b("3. Use 1st column as row names? (No duplicates)")),
#checkboxInput("col", "Yes", TRUE),
inputId = col,
label_on = "Yes",
icon_on = icon("check"),
status_on = "info",
status_off = "warning",
label_off = "No",
icon_off = icon("remove"),
value = TRUE
inputId = sep,
label = "4. Which separator for data?",
status = "info",
fill = TRUE,
icon = icon("check"),
choiceNames = list(
HTML("Comma (,): CSV often uses this"),
HTML("One Tab (->|): TXT often uses this"),
HTML("Semicolon (;)"),
HTML("One Space (_)")
choiceValues = list(",", "\t", ";", " ")
p("Correct separator and quote ensure the successful data input"),
a(tags$i("Find some example data here"),href = "https://github.com/mephas/datasets")
##' @title panel functions in MEPHAS
##' @return panel for upload files used in mephas
##' @examples
##' # NOT Run
##' @param file input data
##' @param header input header name
##' @param col input column name
##' @param sep input separator name
##' @param quote input quote name
##' @export
tabPanel.upload.pr <- function(file ="file", header="header", col="col", sep="sep", quote="quote"){
tabPanel("Upload Data", p(br()),
p(tags$b("Data for prediction should cover all the variables in the model")),
#p("We suggested putting the dependent variable (Y) in the left side of all independent variables (X) "),
fileInput(file, "1. Choose CSV/TXT file", accept = c("text/csv","text/comma-separated-values,text/plain",".csv")),
p(tags$b("2. Show 1st row as column names?")),
#checkboxInput("header", "Yes", TRUE),
inputId = header,
label_on = "Yes",
icon_on = icon("check"),
status_on = "info",
status_off = "warning",
label_off = "No",
icon_off = icon("remove"),
value = TRUE
p(tags$b("3. Use 1st column as row names? (No duplicates)")),
#checkboxInput("col", "Yes", TRUE),
inputId = col,
label_on = "Yes",
icon_on = icon("check"),
status_on = "info",
status_off = "warning",
label_off = "No",
icon_off = icon("remove"),
value = TRUE
inputId = sep,
label = "4. Which separator for data?",
status = "info",
fill = TRUE,
icon = icon("check"),
choiceNames = list(
HTML("Comma (,): CSV often uses this"),
HTML("One Tab (->|): TXT often uses this"),
HTML("Semicolon (;)"),
HTML("One Space (_)")
choiceValues = list(",", "\t", ";", " ")
inputId = quote,
label = "5. Which quote for characters?",
status = "info",
fill = TRUE,
icon = icon("check"),
choices = c("None" = "",
"Double Quote" = '"',
"Single Quote" = "'"),
selected = '"'),
p("Correct separator and quote ensure the successful data input"),
a(tags$i("Find some example data here"),href = "https://github.com/mephas/datasets")
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