station: Retrieve station record from a given data source.

View source: R/station.R

stationR Documentation

Retrieve station record from a given data source.


allgood and clean.station provide two filters for extracting stations with good data (discarding missing values). allgood will not leave any NA's whereas clean.station provides a more 'gentle' filtering.





A string of characters as the name of the location (weather/climate station) or an object of class "stationmeta".


Parameter or element type or variable identifier. There are several core parameters or elements as well as a number of additional parameters. The parameters or elements are: precip = Precipitation (mm) tas, tavg = 2m-surface temperature (in degrees Celcius) tmax, tasmax = Maximum temperature (in degrees Celcius) tmin, tasmin = Minimum temperature (in degrees Celcius)


Source: limit the downscaling to a specific data set ("NARP", "NACD", "NORDKLIMA", "GHCNM", "METNOM", "ECAD", "GHCND" and "METNOD")


A string of characters as an identifier of the weather/climate station.


Numeric value of longitude (in decimal degrees East) for the reference point (e.g. weather station) as a single value or a vector containing the range of longitude values in the form of c(lon.min,lon.max)


Numeric value of latitude for the reference point (in decimal degrees North) or a vector containing the range of latitude values in the form of c(lat.min,lat.max)


Numeric value of altitude (in meters a.s.l.) used for selection. Positive value, select all stations above this altitude; for negative values, select all stations below this latitude.


A string or a vector of strings of the full name of the country: Select the stations from a specified country or a set of countries.


A single integer or a vector of integers or Dates. An integer in the range of [1:12] for months, an integer of 4 digits for years (e.g. 2014), or a vector of Dates in the form "2014-01-01").


Index space: integer (station ID) or character (location name) or list with lon/lat ranges.


Select only stations with at least nmin number of years, months or days depending on the class of object x (e.g. 30 years).


Logical value. If, TRUE provides a plot.


Logical value defaulting to FALSE. If FALSE, do not display comments (silent mode). If TRUE, displays extra information on progress.


The path where the data are stored. Can be a symbolic link.


The URL of the data portal or webpage for requesting new client credentials.


station.sonel, station.gloss, and station.newlyn read sea level from tidal gauges in France (SONEL), on a global scale (GLOSS) and for a single station (sub-daily data)in the UK (Newlyn).


A time series of "zoo" "station" class with additional attributes used for further processing.


A. Mezghani

See Also

clean.station allgood station.thredds map.station select.station


 ## Not run: 
# Get daily and monthly mean temperature for "Oslo" station ("18700") from METNO data source
t2m.dly <- station.metnod(stid="18700",param="t2m")
t2m.mon <- station.metnom(stid="18700",param="t2m")

# Get daily data from the ECA&D data source:
# If called for the first time, the script will download a huge chunk of
# data and store it locally.
# select meta for "De Bilt" station into ss,
ss <- select.station(loc = "de bilt",param="t2m",src="ECAD")
# Retrieve the data from the local directory specified in path based on
# previous selected station 
t2m.dly <- station.ecad(loc=ss,path="~/data.ECAD")
# or directly retrieve the data without a prior selection 
t2m.dly <- station.ecad(loc = "oslo - blindern",param="t2m",path="~/data.ECAD")
# Aggregate to monthly and annual mean temperature values and plot the results
t2m.mon <- as.monthly(t2m.dly, FUN="mean") ; plot(t2m.mon)
t2m.ann <- as.annual(t2m.mon, FUN = "mean") ; plot(t2m.ann)
# specify one station from ECAD, and this time get daily mean precipitation
precip.dly <- station.ecad(loc="Oxford",param="precip") ; plot(precip.dly)
# Aggregate to annual accumulated precipitation values and plot the result
precip.ann <- as.annual(precip.dly,FUN="sum") ; plot(precip.ann)

# Get daily data from the GHCND data source
# Select a subset of stations across Norway with a minimum number of
# 130 years using "GHCND" as a data source, retrieve the data and show its
# structure.
ss <- select.station(cntr="NORWAY",param="precip",src="GHCND",nmin=130)
y <- station.ghcnd(loc=ss , path="~/data.GHCND",plot=TRUE)
# Subselect one station and display the geographical location of both selected 
# stations and highlight the subselected station (is=2).
y1 <- subset(y,is=2)
map(y, xlim = c(-10,30), ylim = c(50,70), cex=1, select=y1,, showall=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

metno/esd documentation built on Feb. 25, 2025, 6:44 p.m.