
Defines functions station.giss ghcnd.station.int ghcnm.station nordklim.station narp.station nacd.station ecad.station t2m.ghcnd.avg station.default station.monthly station.daily station.ghcnm station.metnod station.metnom station.nordklim station.narp station.nacd station.ghcnd station.ecad station test.station

Documented in station station.default station.ecad station.ghcnd station.ghcnm station.giss station.metnod station.metnom station.nacd station.narp station.nordklim

## This function is used to check wether there are errors in the programming
test.station <- function(ss=NULL,stid=NULL,alt=NULL,lat=c(50,70),lon=c(0,30),param="precip",
                         src=c("GHCND","GHCNM","NORDKLIM","NACD","METNOM","METNOD","ECAD"),verbose=FALSE) {
  for (i in 1:length(src)) {
    y <- station(stid=stid,alt=alt,lat=lat,lon=lon,param=param,src=src[i],nmin=100,verbose=verbose)

#' Retrieve station record from a given data source.
#' \code{allgood} and \code{clean.station} provide two filters for extracting
#' stations with good data (discarding missing values). \code{allgood} will not
#' leave any NA's whereas \code{clean.station} provides a more 'gentle'
#' filtering.
#' \code{station.sonel}, \code{station.gloss}, and \code{station.newlyn} read
#' sea level from tidal gauges in France (SONEL), on a global scale (GLOSS) and
#' for a single station (sub-daily data)in the UK (Newlyn).
#' @aliases station station.default station.ecad station.nacd
#' station.narp station.nordklim station.metnod station.metnom station.ghcnd
#' station.ghcnm station.ghcnm station.sonel station.gloss station.newlyn
#' station.giss
#' @seealso clean.station allgood station.thredds map.station select.station
#' @param loc A string of characters as the name of the location
#' (weather/climate station) or an object of class "stationmeta".
#' @param param Parameter or element type or variable identifier. There are
#' several core parameters or elements as well as a number of additional
#' parameters. The parameters or elements are: precip = Precipitation (mm) tas,
#' tavg = 2m-surface temperature (in degrees Celcius) tmax, tasmax = Maximum
#' temperature (in degrees Celcius) tmin, tasmin = Minimum temperature (in
#' degrees Celcius)
#' @param src Source: limit the downscaling to a specific data set ("NARP",
#' @param stid A string of characters as an identifier of the weather/climate
#' station.
#' @param lon Numeric value of longitude (in decimal degrees East) for the
#' reference point (e.g. weather station) as a single value or a vector
#' containing the range of longitude values in the form of c(lon.min,lon.max)
#' @param lat Numeric value of latitude for the reference point (in decimal
#' degrees North) or a vector containing the range of latitude values in the
#' form of c(lat.min,lat.max)
#' @param alt Numeric value of altitude (in meters a.s.l.) used for selection.
#' Positive value, select all stations above this altitude; for negative
#' values, select all stations below this latitude.
#' @param cntr A string or a vector of strings of the full name of the country:
#' Select the stations from a specified country or a set of countries.
#' @param it A single integer or a vector of integers or Dates. An integer in
#' the range of [1:12] for months, an integer of 4 digits for years (e.g.
#' 2014), or a vector of Dates in the form "2014-01-01").
#' @param is Index space: integer (station ID) or character (location name) or
#' list with lon/lat ranges.
#' @param nmin Select only stations with at least nmin number of years, months
#' or days depending on the class of object x (e.g. 30 years).
#' @param plot Logical value. If, TRUE provides a plot.
#' @param verbose Logical value defaulting to FALSE. If FALSE, do not display
#' comments (silent mode). If TRUE, displays extra information on progress.
#' @param path The path where the data are stored. Can be a symbolic link.
#' @return A time series of "zoo" "station" class with additional attributes
#' used for further processing.
#' @param url The URL of the data portal or webpage for requesting new client credentials. 
#' @author A. Mezghani
#' @keywords select.station
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#' # Get daily and monthly mean temperature for "Oslo" station ("18700") from METNO data source
#' t2m.dly <- station.metnod(stid="18700",param="t2m")
#' t2m.mon <- station.metnom(stid="18700",param="t2m")
#' # Get daily data from the ECA&D data source:
#' # If called for the first time, the script will download a huge chunk of
#' # data and store it locally.
#' # select meta for "De Bilt" station into ss,
#' ss <- select.station(loc = "de bilt",param="t2m",src="ECAD")
#' # Retrieve the data from the local directory specified in path based on
#' # previous selected station 
#' t2m.dly <- station.ecad(loc=ss,path="~/data.ECAD")
#' # or directly retrieve the data without a prior selection 
#' t2m.dly <- station.ecad(loc = "oslo - blindern",param="t2m",path="~/data.ECAD")
#' plot(t2m.dly)
#' # Aggregate to monthly and annual mean temperature values and plot the results
#' t2m.mon <- as.monthly(t2m.dly, FUN="mean") ; plot(t2m.mon)
#' t2m.ann <- as.annual(t2m.mon, FUN = "mean") ; plot(t2m.ann)
#' # specify one station from ECAD, and this time get daily mean precipitation
#' precip.dly <- station.ecad(loc="Oxford",param="precip") ; plot(precip.dly)
#' # Aggregate to annual accumulated precipitation values and plot the result
#' precip.ann <- as.annual(precip.dly,FUN="sum") ; plot(precip.ann)
#' # Get daily data from the GHCND data source
#' # Select a subset of stations across Norway with a minimum number of
#' # 130 years using "GHCND" as a data source, retrieve the data and show its
#' # structure.
#' ss <- select.station(cntr="NORWAY",param="precip",src="GHCND",nmin=130)
#' y <- station.ghcnd(loc=ss , path="~/data.GHCND",plot=TRUE)
#' str(y)
#' # Subselect one station and display the geographical location of both selected 
#' # stations and highlight the subselected station (is=2).
#' y1 <- subset(y,is=2)
#' map(y, xlim = c(-10,30), ylim = c(50,70), cex=1, select=y1, cex.select=2, showall=TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils download.file head read.csv read.csv2 read.fwf read.table write.table untar unzip
#' @export station
station <- function(...) UseMethod("station")

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export station.ecad
station.ecad <- function(...) {
  y <- station(src="ecad",...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export station.ghcnd
station.ghcnd <- function(...) {
  y <- station(src="ghcnd",...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export station.nacd
station.nacd <- function(...) {
  y <- station(src="nacd",...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export station.narp
station.narp <- function(...) {
  y <- station(src="narp",...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export station.nordklim
station.nordklim <- function(...) {
  y <- station(src="nordklim",...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export station.metnom
station.metnom <- function(...) {
  y <- station(src="metnom",...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export station.metnod
station.metnod <- function(...) {
  y <- station(src="metnod",...)

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export station.ghcnm
station.ghcnm <- function(...) {
  y <- station(src="ghcnm",...)

station.daily <- function(...,src=NULL) {
  SRC <- c("METNOD","ECAD","GHCND")  
  if (is.null(src)) src <- SRC else src <- intersect(tolower(src),tolower(SRC))
  y <- station(src=src,...)
  attr(y,"call") <- match.call()

station.monthly <- function(...,src=NULL) {
  if (is.null(src)) src <- SRC else src <- intersect(src,SRC)
  y <- station(src=src,...)
  attr(y,"call") <- match.call()

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export station.default
station.default <- function(..., loc=NULL, param='t2m', src=NULL, path=NULL,
                            qual=NULL, url = NULL, stid=NULL, lon=NULL, lat=NULL, alt=NULL,
                            cntr=NULL, it= NULL,nmin=NULL, plot=FALSE, verbose=FALSE,
                            user='external',save2file=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print(match.call())
  ## REB 2020-05-26: a hack - the old code took forever...
  if (!is.null(src)) if (src=='metnod.thredds') {
    y <- station.thredds(locs=loc,param=param,stid=stid,lon=lon,lat=lat,
  ## end of hack meant to streamline the use REB...
  ## REB 2021-05-11
  l <- list(...)
  ss <- NULL
  dots <- names(l)
  if (length(l) > 0) { 
    if (verbose) print("station.default: Taking '...' to select station (station.meta/data.frame)")
    ic <- match('ss',names(l))
    if (!is.na(ic)) ss <- l$ss 
  } else {
    if (verbose) print("station.default: ss <- NULL")
    ss <- NULL
  if (inherits(loc,"stationmeta")) {
    ss <- loc
  } else if (inherits(loc,"stationsummary")) {
    ss <- loc$station_id
  } else if (is.character(loc)) {
    loc <- loc
    ss <- NULL
  } else if(length(list(...))>0) {
    if(inherits(list(...)[[1]],"stationmeta")) {
      ss <- list(...)[[1]]
    } else if(length(list(...))>0) {
      if(inherits(list(...)[[1]],"stationsummary")) {
        ss <- list(...)[[1]]$station_id
  if (is.null(ss)) {
    ss <- select.station(stid=stid,loc=loc,lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,cntr=cntr,
  if ((param=="t2m") & is.null(ss)) {
    param0 <- param
    ssn <- select.station(param="tmin",stid=stid,loc=loc,lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,
    ssx <- select.station(param="tmax",stid=stid,loc=loc,lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,
    if (!is.null(ssn) & !is.null(ssx)) {
      class(ssn) <- class(ssx) <- "data.frame"
    } else {
      print('station.default: Found no stations with given criteria')
    ss <- subset(ssx,ssx$station_id==ssn$station_id) # keep only stations recording both min and max
    if (is.null(ss)) {
    } else {
      rl <- readline(paste0("station.default: T2m is not available for your selection but TMIN and TMAX have been found",
                            " - Would you like to continue using the averaged values? (y or n): "))
      if ((rl=="y") | rl==("ye") | (rl=="yes")) {
        ss$element <- rep(esd2ele(param),length(ss$station_id)) ## update element with param
      } else {
        stop("station.default: Process stopped")
  if (verbose) {
    print("station.default: Station ID:")
  X <- NULL
  src <- as.character(ss$source)
  sources <- unique(src)
  ## Add .FROST to METNOM and METNOD source names for backwards compatibility – unless internal user!
  if(any(grepl("METNO",sources))) {
    if(user!="metno") {
      sources <- unique(sapply(sources, function(x) {
        switch(toupper(x), "METNOM"="METNOM.FROST", "METNOD"="METNOD.FROST", x)}))
  ## Loop through requested data sources
  for(s in sources) {
    if(verbose) print(paste("station.default: Retrieving data from source",s))
    ## Set stid, param and a default retrieval path
    stid <- ss$station_id[src==s]
    param <- apply(as.matrix(ss$element),1,esd2ele)[src==s]
    if(!is.null(it)) {
      start <- min(it)
      end <- max(it)
    } else {
      args <- list(...)
      if("start" %in% names(args)) start <- args$start else start <- NULL
      if("end" %in% names(args)) end <- args$end else end <- NULL
    path <- paste0("data.",toupper(s))
    ## Set specific path and other defaults depending on source
    if(grepl("METNOM.FROST",toupper(s))) {
      if(!is.null(path.metnom)) path <- path.metnom
      timeres <- "P1M"
    } else if(grepl("METNO.FROST.MINUTE",toupper(s))) {
      timeres <- "PT1M"
    } else if(grepl("METNOD.FROST",toupper(s))) {
      if(!is.null(path.metnod)) path <- path.metnod
      timeres <- "P1D"
    } else if(grepl("METNOD.THREDDS",toupper(s))) {
      if(!is.null(path.metnod)) path <- path.metnod
    } else if(s=="ECAD") {
      if (!is.null(path.ecad)) path <- path.ecad
      if (is.null(url.ecad)) {
      } else url <- url.ecad
    } else if(s=="GHCNM") {
      if(!is.null(path.ghcnm)) path <- path.ghcnm
      if(is.null(url.ghcnm)) url="ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn" else url <- url.ghcnm
    } else if(s=="GHCND") {
      ## https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/data/global-historical-climatology-network-daily/access/
      if(!is.null(path.ghcnd)) path <- path.ghcnd
      if(is.null(url.ghcnd)) url="ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/all" else url <- url.ghcnd
    ## Loop through requested parameters
    for(param0 in unique(param)) {
      if(grepl("FROST",toupper(s))) {
        ## Special treatment for FROST, because multiple stations should be fetched in one query for efficiency
        ## (TODO: If X can contain multiple parameters, metno.frost.station can be modified to allow this as well)
        x <- metno.frost.station(timeresolutions=timeres, stid=stid, 
                                 param=param0, verbose=verbose, path=path, 
                                 it=c(start, end), save2file=save2file)
        if(!is.null(x)) if(is.null(X)) X <- x else X <- combine.station(X,x)
      } else {
        ## Common variables for all source types
        j <- ss$source==s & ss$variable==param0
        stid <- ss$station_id[j]
        loc <- ss$location[j]
        lon <- ss$longitude[j]
        lat <- ss$latitude[j]
        alt <- ss$altitude[j]
        cntr <- ss$country[j]
        ele <- ss$element[j]
        qual <- ss$quality[j]
        start <- ss$start[j]
        end <- ss$end[j]
        if(verbose) print(paste("station.default: Retrieving data from",
                                length(stid), "records ..."))
        ## Fetch data from one station at a time
        for (i in 1:length(stid)) {
          if(verbose) print(paste('station.default:',i,toupper(param0),stid[i],loc[i],cntr[i],s))
          ## Custom treatment for the different source types
          if (grepl("METNOD",toupper(s))) {
            ## NOTE: this block will only trigger for internal users
            if (param0!='dd') {
              param1 <- esd2ele(param0)
              x <- station.thredds(param=param0,stid=stid[i],loc=loc[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],
            } else {
              dd06 <- station.thredds(param='dd06',stid=stid[i],loc=loc[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],
              dd12 <- station.thredds(param='dd12',stid=stid[i],loc=loc[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],
              dd18 <- station.thredds(param='dd18',stid=stid[i],loc=loc[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],
              x <- (dd06 + dd12 + dd18) / 3
              x <- attrcp(dd06,x)
              class(x) <- class(dd06)
              if(verbose) print("station.default: WARNING : Averaged wind direction values computed from 06, 12,and 18 UTC")
              param1 <- "DD"
              ele <-  "502"
              attr(x,'variable') <- param1
              attr(x,'element') <- ele
              attr(x,'longname') <- "Average of wind directions at 06 12 and 18 utc" 
          } else if(s=="ECAD") {
            x <- ecad.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],
                              path=path, url=url)
          } else if (s=="NACD") {
            x <- nacd.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],
          } else if (s=="NARP") {
            x <- narp.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],
          } else if (s=="NORDKLIM") {
            x <- nordklim.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],
          } else if (s=="GHCNM") {
            x <- ghcnm.station(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],
                               path = path,url=url)
          } else if (s=="GHCND") {
            if(param0=="t2m") { ## compute the avg 
              ghcnd.tmin <- ghcnd.station.int(param="tmin",stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],
                                              verbose=verbose,path = path,url=url)
              ghcnd.tmax <- ghcnd.station.int(param="tmax",stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],
                                              verbose=verbose, path=path,url=url)
              if (is.null(ghcnd.tmax) |  is.null(ghcnd.tmin)) {
                x <- NULL
              } else {
                x <- (ghcnd.tmin + ghcnd.tmax) / 2
                x <- attrcp(ghcnd.tmin,x)
                class(x) <- class(ghcnd.tmin)
                if(verbose) print("station.default: WARNING : Average temperature values have been computed from TMIN and TMAX values")
                param1 <- "TAVG"
                ele <-  "101"
                attr(x,'variable') <- param
                attr(x,'element') <- ele
                attr(x,'longname') <- "Mean temperature"
            } else {
              x <- ghcnd.station.int(stid=stid[i],lon=lon[i],lat=lat[i],alt=alt[i],loc=loc[i],
                                     path = path,url=url)
          ## Let user know if no data was found, otherwise set data to variable X
          if (is.null(x) | (sum(is.na(coredata(x)))==length(coredata(x))) ) {
            if(verbose) print("station.default: Warning : No values found in the time series for-> This station will be ignored")
            if(verbose) print(paste('station.default: stid=',stid[i],'lon=',lon[i],'lat=',lat[i],'alt=',alt[i],
                                    'url=',url)) # REB 2016-07-26
            x <- NULL
          } else {
            if (verbose) {print("station.default: obs"); str(x)}
            if (verbose) print(paste('station.default: Combine the station records for i=',i))
            if (is.null(X)) X <- x else X <- combine.station(X,x)
  if (is.null(X)) return(NULL)
  if (plot & !is.null(X)) map.station(X,col="darkgreen",bg="green", cex=0.7)

t2m.ghcnd.avg <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param="t2m",
                          path = path , ver = "v3.2.0.20130120",adj = TRUE,force=FALSE,flag = FALSE, off = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
  ghcnd.tmin <- station(param="tmin",stid = stid, src = "GHCND", verbose = verbose , path = path)
  if (is.null(ghcnd.tmin)) return(NULL)
  ghcnd.tmax <- station(param="tmax",stid = stid, src = "GHCND", verbose = verbose , path = path) 
  if (is.null(ghcnd.tmax)) return(NULL)
  ghcnd <- (ghcnd.tmin + ghcnd.tmax) / 2
  ghcnd <- attrcp(ghcnd.tmin,ghcnd)
  if(verbose) print("station.default: WARNING : Average temperature values have been computed from TMIN and TMAX values")
  param1 <- "TAVG"
  ele <-  "101"
  attr(ghcnd,'variable') <- switch(toupper(param1),'TAVG'=expression(T[2*m]),
                                   'TMAX'=expression(paste("max ",T[2*m])),
                                   'TMIN'=expression(paste("min ",T[2*m])))
  attr(ghcnd,'element') <- ele

# NOT EXPORTED - internal function
## KMP 2021-09-22: I updated the url as the old path seems not to work anymore. 
ecad.station <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,
                         verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('station.default: ecad.station...')
  ele <- esd2ele(param=param)
  if (is.null(ele)) {
    param1 <- as.character(ele2param(ele=param,src="ECAD")$param)
  } else {
    param1 <- as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="ECAD")$param)
  if (!is.null(param) & (!is.null(dim(param1)[1]))) {
    if (dim(param1)==0) { 
      stop('Please refresh your selection, element not found in meta data')
  scale <-as.numeric(ele2param(ele=ele,src="ECAD")$scale)
  if (verbose) print(paste('station.default: scale=',scale))
  fdata <- paste(url,"_",tolower(param1),".zip",sep="") 
  #text  <- unlist(strsplit(fdata,split="/"))
  #text2 <- text[length(text)]
  #destfile <- file.path(path,text2,fsep= .Platform$file.sep)
  destfile <- file.path(path, basename(fdata), fsep= .Platform$file.sep)
  destfile2 <- file.path(path, paste0('ECA_nonblend_',tolower(param1)),
                         fsep= .Platform$file.sep)
  if (file.exists(destfile) & !file.exists(destfile2)) {
  ## If folder does not exist, then download and unzip
  if (!file.exists(destfile2)) {
    print(paste('station.default: Could not find',destfile2))
    print('station.default: Download the ECA&D data... please be patient.')
    if(!file.exists(path)) dir.create(path,showWarnings = FALSE,recursive=TRUE)
    download.file(fdata,destfile,method = "wget", quiet = !verbose, mode = "w", cacheOK = TRUE,
                  extra = getOption("download.file.extra"))
  if (verbose) print(paste("station.default: station.ecad: the folder has been found",destfile2))
  newpath <- substr(destfile,1,nchar(destfile)-4) 
  stid <- gsub(' ','',stid)
  for (i in 1:length(stid)) {
    while(nchar(stid[i]) < 6) stid[i] <- paste('0',stid[i],sep="")
  fnames <- paste(toupper(param1),'_SOUID',stid,'.txt',sep="")
  fnames <- file.path(newpath,fnames,fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
  ipick <- file.exists(fnames)
  if (verbose) print(paste('station.default: Looking for',fnames[1]))
  if (sum(ipick)==0)  return(NULL)
  if (sum(ipick)!=1) {
    warning('station.default: More than one matches - I choose the first!')
    ipick <- (1:length(ipick))[ipick][1]
  fname <- fnames[ipick]
  if (verbose) print(paste('station.default: FILENAME:',fname))
  x <- read.table(fname,header=TRUE,skip=18,sep=",")
  eval(parse(text=paste0("ecad <- scale * x$",param1)))
  year <- substr(as.character(x$DATE),1,4)
  L <- length(year)
  month <- substr(as.character(x$DATE),5,6)
  day <- substr(as.character(x$DATE),7,8)
  if (verbose) {
    print('station.default: Make use of the quality flags')
  if (dim(x)[2]==5) dataQ <- x[[5]] else dataQ <- ecad*0               
  ecad[ecad <=-999] <- NA                       
  if (remove.suspect) ecad[dataQ == 1] <- NA    
  ecad[dataQ == 9] <- NA                        
  if (verbose) {
  if (!check.bad.dates(year,month,day)) {
    ECAD <- zoo(ecad, order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), 
                                         by='day', length.out = L))
  } else {
    print("station.default: Warning : Bad dates were found for this station -> Ignored")
  if (sum(ECAD,na.rm=TRUE)==0) {
    print("station.default: Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored") ; return(NULL)
  ECAD <- as.station(ECAD, stid=stid, lon=lon, lat=lat, alt=alt,
                     ## ele=esd2ele(param), freq=1,calendar='gregorian',
                     quality=qual, cntr=cntr, loc=loc, src='ECAD', url=fdata,
                     param=param, aspect="original",
                     unit=switch(param1,'TG'='degree Celsius','TX'='deg C',
                                 'TN'='deg C','CC'='oktas', 'DD'='degrees',
                     reference=paste0("Klein Tank, A.M.G. and Coauthors, 2002.",
                                      " Daily dataset of 20th-century surface air temperature and precipitation series for the European Climate Assessment.",
                                      " Int. J. of Climatol., 22, 1441-1453."),
                     info= "Data and metadata available at http://eca.knmi.nl")
  attr(ECAD,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
  attr(ECAD,'history') <- history.stamp(ECAD)
  if (verbose) print('station.default: --- exit ecad.station ---')

# NOT EXPORTED - internal function
nacd.station <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("nacd.station")
  if (is.null(stid)) return(NULL)
  ele <- esd2ele(param=param)
  data("NACD", envir = environment())
  loc <- gsub("-",".",loc)
  loc <- gsub("/",".",loc)
  #id.dot <- grep('.',loc)
  #if (substr(loc,nchar(loc),id.dot[length(id.dot)])) loc <- substr(loc,1,nchar(loc)-1) # AM 29.07.2013 added 
  if (tolower(param)=='cc') param <- 'cloud'
  txt <- paste("x <- NACD$",loc,".",param,sep="") # AM 27.08.2013 line updated : "elem" is replaced by "ele"
  if (is.null(x)) {
    print("station.default: No recorded values are found for this station")
  x.name <- as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NACD")$param[2])
  unit <- as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NACD")$unit[4])
  unit <- switch(ele,
                 '101'='degree Celsius',
                 '111'='degree Celsius',
                 '112'='degree Celsius',
                 '122'='degree Celsius','401'='hPa',
  ny <- length(attr(x,'year'))
  year <- rep(attr(x,'year'),each=12); L <- length(year)
  month <- rep(1:12,ny)
  day <- rep(1,length(month))
  x[x < -99] <- NA
  NACD <- zoo(c(t(x)),order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='month', length.out = L))
  names(NACD) <- loc # AM 30.07.2013 added           
  unit <- switch(ele,
                 '101'='degree Celsius','111'='degree Celsius',
                 '112'='degree Celsius','122'='degree Celsius',
                 '401'='hPa', '601'='mm','701'='days','801'='%')
  NACD <- as.station(NACD, stid=stid, loc=loc, cntr=cntr,
                     lon=round(lon,digits = 2),
                     lat=round(lat,digits = 2), alt=alt,
                     quality=qual, src='NACD', url=NA, param=esd2ele(ele),
                     aspect="original", unit=unit, longname=x.name,
                     reference="Frich et al. (1996), DMI scientific report 96-1",
                     info="Data and metadata adopted from clim.pact")
  attr(NACD,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
  attr(NACD,'history') <- history.stamp(NACD)

narp.station <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("station.default: narp.station")
  ele <- esd2ele(param=param)
  x.name <- as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NARP")$param[2])
  unit <-  as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NARP")$unit[4])
  scale <- as.numeric(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NARP")$scale_factor[3])
  iii <- is.element(NARP[,1],stid) & is.element(NARP[,2],as.numeric(ele))
  if (sum(iii) ==0) {
    print("station.default: Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored")
  x <- NARP[iii,4:15]*scale
  x[x <= -99] <- NA
  ny <- length(NARP[iii,3])
  year <- sort(rep(NARP[iii,3],12))
  L <- length(year)
  month <- rep(1:12,ny)
  day <- rep(1,length(year))
  NARP <- zoo(c(t(x)), order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='month', length.out = L))
  NARP <- as.station(NARP, stid=stid, loc=loc, lon=lon, lat=lat, alt=alt,
                     ## frequency=1, calendar='gregorian',
                     cntr=cntr, quality=NA, src='NARP', url=NA, param=param,
                     unit=unit, longname=x.name,
                     reference="Nordic Arctic Research Programme",
  attr(NARP,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
  attr(NARP,'history') <- history.stamp(NARP)

# NOT EXPORTED - internal function
nordklim.station <- function(stid=NULL,loc=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param=NULL,verbose=FALSE,path=NULL) {
  if(verbose) print("station.default: nordklim.station") 
  if (is.null(stid)) return(NULL)
  x <- nordklim.data ; rm(nordklim.data)
  station_id <- stid
  x <- subset(x, station_id==stid)
  ele <- esd2ele(param) 
  x <- subset(x,element==ele)
  if (dim(x)[1] < 1) {
    print("station.default: Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored")
  x[x < -999] <- NA
  scale_factor <- as.numeric(as.matrix(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NORDKLIM")$scale_factor[3]))
  xx <- as.matrix(x[,4:15]*scale_factor)
  unit <- as.character(as.matrix(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NORDKLIM")$unit[4]))
  ## Vector of dates
  year <- sort(rep(x$start,12))
  ny <- length(x$start)
  month <- rep(1:12,ny)
  day <- rep(1,length(year))
  ## Longname
  lname <- as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="NORDKLIM")$longname[2])
  ## format data into a zoo object
  NORDKLIM <- zoo(c(t(xx)),order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='month', length.out = ny))
  names(NORDKLIM) <- loc # AM 30.07.2013 added   
  NORDKLIM <- as.station(NORDKLIM,stid=stid, quality=qual, lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt, ##frequency=1,calendar='gregorian',
                         cntr=cntr,loc=loc,src='NORDKLIM', url="http://www.smhi.se/hfa_coord/nordklim/index.php?page=dataset",
                         longname=lname,unit=unit, param=param, aspect="original",
                         reference="Tuomenvirta et al. (2001), NORDKLIM data set 1.0 - Description and illustrations. DNMI report no. 08/01.",
  attr(NORDKLIM,'call') <- match.call()
  attr(NORDKLIM,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
  attr(NORDKLIM,'history') <- history.stamp(NORDKLIM)

# NOT EXPORTED - internal function
ghcnm.station <- function(stid=NULL,lon=NULL,lat=NULL,loc=NULL,alt=NULL,cntr=NULL,qual=NULL,param=NULL,ver="v3",
                          path="data.GHCNM",url="ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn",adj = "qca",force=FALSE,
                          flag=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
  ele <-esd2ele(param=param) 
  ## extract param1 and scale variables
  param1 <-as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCNM")$param[5])
  scale <-as.numeric(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCNM")$scale_factor[3])
  if (verbose) print("station.default: station.GHCNM")
  ghcnm <- ghcnm.data(ele=ele,stid=stid,src="ghcnm",ver=ver,adj=adj,path=path,url=url,force=force,flag=flag,verbose=verbose)
  x <- c(t(ghcnm[,5:16]))*scale
  year <- sort(rep(ghcnm$year,12)) ; L <- length(year)
  month <-rep(1:12,length(ghcnm$year)) 
  day <- rep("01",L)
  GHCNM <- zoo(x,order.by = as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='month', length.out = L))
  if (sum(GHCNM,na.rm=TRUE)==0) {
    print("station.default: Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored")
  ##print("station.default: attributes")
  GHCNM <- as.station(GHCNM,stid=stid, quality=qual, lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,##frequency=1,calendar='gregorian',
                      cntr=cntr, loc=loc, src='GHCNM', url=paste(url,ver,sep="/"),longname=as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCNM")$longname[2]),
                      unit=switch(param1,'TAVG'='degree Celsius','TMAX'='degree Celsius','TMIN'='degree Celsius'), param=param, aspect="original",
                      reference=paste0("J. H. Lawrimore, M. J. Menne, B. E. Gleason, C. N. Williams, D. B. Wuertz, R. S. Vose, and J. Rennie ",
                                       "(2011), An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set",
                                       ", version 3, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D19121, doi:10.1029/2011JD016187."),
                      info="Data and metadata available at the ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn")
  ## attr(GHCNM,'call') <- match.call()
  attr(GHCNM,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
  attr(GHCNM,'history') <- history.stamp(GHCNM)

# NOT EXPORTED - internal function
ghcnd.station.int <- function(stid=NULL, lon=NULL, lat=NULL, loc=NULL, alt=NULL, cntr=NULL, qual=NULL, param=NULL,
                              path="data.GHCND", url=NULL, adj=TRUE, force=FALSE, flag=FALSE, off=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print("station.default: station.GHCND")
  ele <- esd2ele(param=param) 
  param1 <- as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCND")$param[5])
  ## REB 2021-05-11 fix
  #scale <- as.numeric(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCND")[3])
  scale <- as.numeric(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCND")$scale_factor[3])
  ghcnd <- ghcnd.data(param=param1, stid=stid, src="ghcnd", path=path, url=url,
                      force=force, flag=flag, verbose=verbose, rm.file=FALSE)
  if (is.null(ghcnd)) return(NULL)
  x <- c(t(ghcnd[,6:36]))*scale
  day_id <-substr(names(ghcnd[,6:dim(ghcnd)[2]]),4,nchar(names(ghcnd[,6:dim(ghcnd)[2]]))) 
  year <- rep(as.character(ghcnd$YEAR),each=length(day_id)) ; L <- length(year)
  month <- rep(ghcnd$MONTH,each=length(day_id))
  day <- rep(day_id,dim(ghcnd)[1])
  vdate <- as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-"), by='day', length.out = L)
  id <- !is.na(vdate)
  vdate <- vdate[id]
  x <- x[id]
  if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
  GHCND <- zoo(x,order.by = vdate)
  if (sum(GHCND,na.rm=TRUE)==0) {
    print("station.default: Warning : No recorded values are found for this station -> Ignored")
  GHCND <- as.station(GHCND,stid=stid, quality=qual, lon=lon,lat=lat,alt=alt,##frequency=1,calendar='gregorian',
                      cntr=cntr, loc=loc,src='GHCND', url="ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn",
                      unit=as.character(ele2param(ele=ele,src="GHCND")$unit[4]), param=param, aspect="original",
                      reference=paste0("J. H. Lawrimore, M. J. Menne, B. E. Gleason, C. N. Williams, D. B. Wuertz, R. S. Vose, and J. Rennie ",
                                       "(2011), An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set",
                                       ", version 3, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D19121, doi:10.1029/2011JD016187."),
                      info="Data and metadata available at the ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn")
  attr(GHCND,'call') <- match.call()
  attr(GHCND,'history') <- c(match.call(),date())
  attr(GHCND,'history') <- history.stamp(GHCND)
  ## class(GHCND) <- c("station","day","zoo")

#' @export station.giss
station.giss <- function(...,url=NULL) {
  t2m <- read.table(url,skip=2,header=TRUE)
  meta <- read.table(url,nrows=1,as.is=TRUE)
  lat <- as.numeric(substr(meta$V3,2,nchar(meta$V3)-2))
  lon <- as.numeric(sub(')','',meta$V4))
  yr <- t2m$YEAR
  t2m[t2m >= 999] <- NA
  t2m <- zoo(c(t(as.matrix(t2m[2:13]))),
  t2m <- as.station(t2m,loc=meta$V1,param='t2m',unit='degC',
                    cntr=meta$V2,longname='Surface temperature',
                    reference='Parker, et. al. (1992), Int. J. Clim.',info=NA, method= NA)
metno/esd documentation built on April 24, 2024, 9:19 p.m.