#' Function to plot contours on spherical grid
#' @param field A field object or a matrix with longitude and latitude attributes which is the output of esd::map.field
#' @param lat A numeric vector of latitudes
#' @param lonR Center longitude of viewing angle
#' @param latR Center latitude of viewing angle
#' @param nx Length of output grid along x-direction. Default: nx=100
#' @param ny Length of output grid along y-direction. Default: ny=100
#' @param nlevels Number of levels in contour plot
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param breaks Contour levels. If the argument 'breaks' is not defined, breaks = pretty(zlim, n=nlevels)
#' @param zlim Range of contours. If the arguments 'breaks' and 'zlim' are not defined, zlim = range(field, na.rm=TRUE)
#' @param nlevels Number of contour levels. If the arguments 'breaks' and 'nlevels' are not defined, nlevels=5
#' @param main main title
#' @param add a boolean; If TRUE, add contour lines to an existing plot. If FALSE, create new plot with contour lines
#' @param verbose a boolean; if TRUE print information about progress
#' @export spherical_contour
spherical_contour <- function(field, FUN="mean", lonR = NULL, latR = NULL,
nx=100, ny=100, #method="akima",
breaks=NULL, zlim=NULL, nlevels=5,
xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main=NULL, add=FALSE,
col="grey70", drawlabels=TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
if(verbose) print("spherical_contour")
# Create two-dimensional map
if(inherits(field, "field")) field <- map(field, FUN=FUN, plot=FALSE)
# Extract longitude and latitude from the field object
lonxy <- rep(lon(field), length(lat(field)))
latxy <- sort(rep(lat(field), length(lon(field))))
# Transform longitude/latitude coordinates to spherical
transformed_coords <- esd::cartesian2sphere(lonxy, latxy, lonR=lonR, latR=latR,
# KMP 2025-02-10: I tried 2 methods for interpolating to the spherical grid,
# but will remove one of them to reduce reliance on external libraries
# I'm going with the method inculded in the MBA package, as akima was not as apt at dealing with very large/dense grids
# if(method=="akima") {
# if (!requireNamespace("akima", quietly = TRUE)) {
# stop("Package 'akima' needed to use spherical_contour. Please install it or use type='MBA' to interpolate with the MBA package.")
# } else {
# ## Interpolated using akima package
# interpolation <- akima::interp(transformed_coords$X, transformed_coords$Z,
# field, duplicate = "mean")
# browser()
# contour(interpolation$x, interpolation$y, interpolation$z, nlevels = nlevels,
# drawlabels = drawlabels, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
# col=col, add = add)
# }
#} else if(method=="MBA") {
if (!requireNamespace("MBA", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package 'MBA' needed to use spherical_contour. Please install it.")
} else {
# Prepare data for MBA interpolation
data <- data.frame(X = transformed_coords$X, Y = transformed_coords$Z,
field = as.vector(field))
# Interpolation using MBA package
mba_out <- MBA::mba.surf(data, no.X = nx, no.Y = ny)
# Plot the contours on the transformed spherical coordinates
Z_interp <- matrix(mba_out$xyz.est$z, nrow = nx, ncol = ny)
if(is.null(breaks)) {
if(is.null(zlim)) zlim <- range(field, na.rm=TRUE)
if(is.null(nlevels)) nlevels <- 5
breaks <- pretty(zlim, n=nlevels)
contour(mba_out$xyz.est$x, mba_out$xyz.est$y, Z_interp, levels=breaks,
drawlabels = drawlabels, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
col=col, add = add)
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