
Defines functions mrgsim_q

Documented in mrgsim_q

# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020  Metrum Research Group
# This file is part of mrgsolve.
# mrgsolve is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mrgsolve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with mrgsolve.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

##' Simulate from a model object with quicker turnaround
##' Use the function when you would usually use \code{\link{mrgsim_d}}, 
##' but you need a quicker turnaround time.  The timing differences 
##' might be difficult to detect for a single simulation run
##' but could become appreciable with repeated simulation.  See
##' \code{details} for important differences in how \code{\link{mrgsim_q}}
##' is invoked compared to \code{\link{mrgsim}} and \code{\link{mrgsim_d}}.  
##' This function should always be used for benchmarking simulation time with
##' mrgsolve.
##' @param x a model object.
##' @param data a simulation data set.
##' @param recsort record sorting flag.
##' @param stime a numeric vector of observation times; these observation
##' times will only be added to the output if there are no observation
##' records in \code{data}.
##' @param skip_init_calc don't use \code{$MAIN} to calculate initial conditions.
##' @param output output data type; if \code{mrgsims}, then the default output
##' object is returned; if \code{"df"} then a data frame is returned.
##' @param simcall not used; only the default value of 0 is allowed. 
##' @param etasrc source for ETA() values in the model; values can include: 
##' "omega", `"data"`, `"data.all"`, `"idata"`, or `"idata.all"`; see 
##' 'Details' in [mrgsim()]. 
##' @details
##' This function does not support the piped simulation workflow.  All
##' arguments must be passed into the function except for \code{x}.  
##' A data set is required for this simulation workflow.  The 
##' data set can have only dosing records or doses with observations.
##' When the data set only includes doses, a single numeric vector of 
##' observation times should be passed in.  
##' This simulation workflow does not support \code{Req} (request) 
##' functionality.  All compartments and captured variables will 
##' always be returned in the simulation output.
##' This simulation workflow does not support carry-out functionality.
##' This simulation workflow does not accept arguments to be passed
##' to \code{\link[mrgsolve]{update}}. This must be done by a separate
##' call to \code{\link[mrgsolve]{update}}.
##' This simulation workflow does not support use of event objects.  If 
##' an event object is needed, it should be converted to a data set 
##' prior to the simulation run (see \code{as_data_set} or 
##' \code{\link{as.data.frame.ev}}.
##' This simulation workflow does not support idata sets or any 
##' feature enabled by idata set use.  Individual level parameters
##' should be joined onto the data set prior to simulation.  Otherwise
##' \code{\link{mrgsim_i}} or \code{\link{mrgsim_ei}} should be used.
##' By default, a mrgsims object is returned (as with \code{\link{mrgsim}}). 
##' Use the \code{output="df"} argument to request a plain 
##' data.frame of simulated data on return.
##' @return
##' By default, an object of class `mrgsims`. Use `output = "df"` to return 
##' a data frame.
##' @examples
##' mod <- mrgsolve::house()
##' data <- expand.ev(amt = c(100, 300, 1000))
##' out <- mrgsim_q(mod, data)
##' out
##' @seealso \code{\link{mrgsim}}, \code{\link{mrgsim_variants}}, \code{\link{qsim}}
##' @export
mrgsim_q <- function(x,
                     recsort = 1,
                     stime = numeric(0),
                     output = "mrgsims",
                     skip_init_calc = FALSE, 
                     simcall = 0, 
                     etasrc = "omega") {
  if(!is.mrgmod(x)) mod_first()
  ## data
  if(is.ev(data)) {
    data <- as.data.frame.ev(data, add_ID = 1)  
  if(!is.valid_data_set(data)) {
    data <- valid_data_set(data,x,x@verbose)
  if(!(is.character(etasrc) && length(etasrc)==1)) {
    abort("`etasrc` must be a string.")
  tcol <- timename(data)
  if(is.na(tcol)) tcol <- "time"

  # Big list of stuff to pass to DEVTRAN
  parin <- parin(x)
  parin$recsort <- recsort
  parin$do_init_calc <- !skip_init_calc
  parin$etasrc <- etasrc

  if(simcall!=0) {
    if(simcall==1) {
      wstop("the interface with simcall=1 is no longer available; please use simcall=0 instead.")
    wstop("simcall values other than 0 are prohibited.")
  if(length(stime) == 0) {
    parin[["tgridmatrix"]] <- matrix(stime(x),ncol=1)
  } else {
    parin[["tgridmatrix"]] <- matrix(stime,ncol=1)
  parin[["whichtg"]] <- integer(0)
  parin[["carry_data"]] <- character(0)
  parin[["carry_idata"]] <- character(0)
  parin[["carry_tran"]] <- character(0)
  parin[["obsonly"]] <- FALSE
  parin[["filbak"]] <- TRUE
  parin[["tad"]] <- FALSE
  parin[["nocb"]] <- TRUE
  parin[["obsaug"]] <- FALSE
  out <- .Call(
    PACKAGE = "mrgsolve"
  names(out) <- c("ID", tcol, x@cmtL, x@capL)
  if(output=="df") {
  if(output=="matrix") {
    request = x@cmtL,
    data = out,
    outnames = x@capL,
    mod = x
metrumresearchgroup/mrgsolve documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 11:31 a.m.