Man pages for metrumresearchgroup/rbabylon
R package for bbi

add_log_implAdd columns to log df
add_param_shrinkageAdd shrinkage details to param table
add_run_id_coladd run col to bbi_log_df
add_to_path_messageHelper to message user about adding the bbi directory to...
adjust_estimation_optionsParse model files and overwrite estimation iterations
apply_indicesAdd parameter indices to a label tibble
assert_bbi_versionCheck that bbi satisfies a version constraint
as_summary_listConvert object to 'bbi_summary_list'
BBI_ARGSList of valid arguments bbi arguments
bbi_current_releaseGet version number of bbi current release
bbi_dry_runCreates a 'bbi_process' object with all the required keys,...
bbi_execExecute call to bbi
bbi_helpExecutes ('bbi –help') and prints the output string
bbi_initInitialize bbi
bbi_nonmem_model_statusReturn status of a model: "Not Run", "Finished Running", or...
bbi_versionGet version of installed bbi
build_bbi_install_pathBuild default path to install bbi to
build_bbi_param_listGroup models for bbi submission
build_matrix_indicesBuilds matrix indices labels
build_new_model_pathPrivate helper to build absolute path for...
build_path_from_modelBuild path to output file
check_bbi_argsChecks that all passed NONMEM command line args are valid and...
check_bbi_exeCheck that bbi is installed
check_bbi_run_log_df_objectPrivate helper to check if an object inherits a run log class...
check_cor_thresholdCheck for high correlations
check_fileCheck an output file
check_for_existing_modelPrivate helper to look for existing model and overwrite if...
check_lst_filePrivate helper function to look for .lst function in a...
check_mode_argumentPrivate helper to check if '.mode' arg to 'submit_model()' is...
check_model_objectPrivate helper to check if an object inherits a model class...
check_model_object_listPrivate helper to check if a list of objects all inherit a...
check_nonmem_finishedChecks if NONMEM run is done by looking for "Stop Time" in...
check_nonmem_table_bbiPrivate helper to pull a NONMEM table from a model
check_nonmem_table_outputCheck NONMEM output files
check_osCheck what operating system R is running on
check_output_dirCheck output directory
check_record_valCheck if a record option matches a specific value
check_run_timesCheck estimation time for models run with various threads...
check_status_codeChecks status code from processx process
check_up_to_dateCheck model and data up to date with outputs
check_up_to_date_nonmemPrivate implementation to check that NONMEM model is...
clean_ctlParse control stream to a named list of the blocks
collapse_to_stringCollapse list column to a character column
combine_list_objectsCombines two named lists. By default, shared keys are...
config_logParse bbi configs to log
config_log_entryParse a bbi config file
config_log_implBuild config log
config_log_make_entryPrepare a model-specific config log entry
copy_control_streamCopy a NONMEM control stream file
copy_model_fromCreate new model by copying existing model
copy_model_from_implCopy model from an existing model
cov_corNONMEM Covariance and Correlation Matrices
create_bbi_objectCreate bbi object
create_model_hookPerform model-type specific setup
current_release_urlPrivate helper function to most recent release version from...
delete_modelsRemove model files associated with the specified tags
dev_errorConstruct error message that users shouldn't see
download_bbiDownload bbi executable to the specified path.
download_with_retryCall 'utils::download.file()', retrying once on failure.
drop_dupsDrop duplicate columns to prepare for join
extract_from_summaryExtract from summary object
file_matchesCompare a file to an MD5 sum
file_matches_stringCompare a file to a string
find_modelsSearch for model YAML files and read them
find_nonmem_model_file_pathFind the path to a NONMEM model file
fmt_record_numGet record number of initial estimates
format_cmd_argsFormats command line args from a named list to a string as it...
format_matrixFormat vector into matrix using positional vector
get_based_onGet based_on from bbi object
get_data_pathGet path to data file
get_model_idGet model identifier
get_model_working_directoryGet the working directory of a model object
get_next_integerCheck directory for model files with integer names and return...
get_omegaReturn a formatted object for a given parameter
get_paramReturn a formatted object for a given parameter
get_path_from_log_dfPrivate helper function to extract paths from bbi_log_df
get_path_from_objectGet path from bbi object
get_theta_initsHelper function for getting the initial theta values,...
highlight_cellHighlight cell in kable table
inherit_param_estimatesInherit parameter estimates
initial_estimatesRetrieve and format initial parameter estimates
install_menuPrivate implementation function for installing bbi with...
is_diagCheck if diagonal index or not
is_valid_nonmem_extensionPrivate helper to check if file has a valid NONMEM control...
is_valid_yaml_extensionPrivate helper to check if file has a valid YAML extension
map_list_recursiveRecursively apply a function to each list element
model_diffCompare model files between models
model_diff_get_compPrivate helper to get a valid comparison model
model_diff_implPrivate helper to diff two model files
model_summariesSummarize multiple models in batch
model_summarySummarize model outputs
modify_based_onModify based_on field in a model object
modify_bbi_argsModify bbi_args on a model object
modify_descriptionModify description on a model object
modify_model_fieldModify field in model object
modify_model_field_lglAdds or removes boolean attribute from model object and YAML
modify_notesModify notes on a model object
modify_starModify star attribute on a model object
modify_tagsModify tags on a model object
na_to_nullConvert an object containing entirely NA's to NULL
new_extChange file extension
new_modelCreate new model object
nm_fileRead NONMEM files
nm_file_implImplementation function for reading NONMEM files
nm_joinReturn a single data frame with model output and input data
nm_tablesRead all tables and input data
nonmem_summaryRun bbi nonmem summary and parse the output to a list
open_model_fileOpen main model definition file in text editor
param_estimatesParses parameter estimates table
param_estimates_batchBatch Processing of Parameter Estimates
param_estimates_compareCompare parameter estimates
param_labelsExtract parameter labels for report tables, etc.
parse_args_listCombines NONMEM args that were passed into the function call...
parse_cov_cor_full_fileHelper to pull full matrix from final estimation method from...
parse_ctl_to_listParses NONMEM control stream to a list of $ blocks. Adapted...
parse_param_commentParse parameter labels
pipePipe operator
plot_nonmem_table_dfPlot NONMEM output files
print_bbiPrint methods for bbr objects
print_bbi_argsPrint valid .bbi_args
print_model_filesPrint a list of files.
read_bbi_pathSet the path to the bbi executable
read_modelCreates a model object from a YAML model file
register_model_typeRegister a model type to class mapping
remove_dup_colsRemoves duplicate col names
resolve_nonmem_versionDetermine the NONMEM version used
run_logCreate tibble summarizing all model runs
run_log_entryCreate a run log row from a bbi_{.model_type}_model object
safe_based_onChecks for yaml files relative to a starting location
safe_read_modelRead in model with error handling
sanitize_file_extensionPrivate helper to remove file extensions to match expected...
save_model_yamlSaves a model object to a yaml file
set_bbi_nullReplace BBI_NULL_NUM and BBI_NULL_STR with NA_real_
sigFormat digits
skip_if_not_drone_or_metworxSkip test if not on Metworx or Drone
skip_if_old_bbiSkip test if current bbi version is below specified one.
skip_if_old_nmrecSkip test if current nmrec version is below specified one.
skip_if_over_rate_limitSkip test if over Github API rate limit
skip_long_testsSkip long-running tests
stop_get_fail_msgBuild error message and throw error for generic failure fo...
stop_get_scalar_msgBuild error message and throw error for passing character...
strict_mode_errorRaise error in strict mode
submit_modelSubmit a model to be run
submit_modelsSubmit models to be run in batch
submit_nonmem_modelSubmit a NONMEM model via bbi
summary_logCreate a tibble from 'model_summaries()' data
summary_log_implBuild summary log
suppressSpecificWarningSuppress a warning that matches '.regexpr'
tags_diffCompare tags between models
test_nmrec_versionCheck that nmrec satisfies a version constraint
test_threadsTakes a model object and runs it with various threads values
tweak_initial_estimatesTweak the initial parameter estimates
tweak_thetasTweak theta estimates while respecting bounds
unquote_filenameUnquote file paths for inclusion within a NONMEM control file
update_model_idUpdate model ID (run number) in the control stream
use_bbiInstalls most current release of bbi
using_old_priorsCheck if _non-specific_ priors are being used.
validate_parent_modConfirm parent model path is valid, and error informatively...
verbose_msgPrints message(s) if 'isTRUE(getOption("bbr.verbose"))'
verify_model_yaml_integrityVerify YAML file integrity
version_messagePrivate helper to construct version comparison message
wait_for_nonmemWait for NONMEM models to finish
metrumresearchgroup/rbabylon documentation built on April 21, 2024, 3:26 a.m.