new_bootstrap_run: Create a bootstrap run from an existing model

View source: R/bootstrap-model.R

new_bootstrap_runR Documentation

Create a bootstrap run from an existing model


Creates a new bbi_nmboot_model object, from an existing bbi_nonmem_model object. This function creates a new control stream, that is a copy of .mod with the ⁠$TABLE⁠ and ⁠$COV⁠ records optionally removed (see remove_cov and remove_tables arguments). The object returned from this must then be passed to setup_bootstrap_run() before submission (see examples).


  .suffix = "boot",
  .inherit_tags = TRUE,
  .overwrite = FALSE,
  remove_cov = TRUE,
  remove_tables = TRUE



A bbr model object.


A suffix for the bootstrap run directory. Will be prefixed by the model id of .mod.


If TRUE, the default, inherit any tags from .mod.


If FALSE, the default, function will error if a model file already exists at specified .new_model path. If TRUE any existing file at .new_model will be overwritten silently.

remove_cov, remove_tables

If TRUE, the default, remove ⁠$COVARIANCE⁠ and ⁠$TABLE⁠ records respectively, allowing for notably faster run times.


S3 object of class bbi_nmboot_model.

See Also

setup_bootstrap_run() summarize_bootstrap_run()


## Not run: 

# Create new bootstrap object
.boot_run <- new_bootstrap_run(.mod)

# Optionally inherit final parameter estimates
.boot_run <- inherit_param_estimates(.boot_run)

# Set up the run

## End(Not run)

metrumresearchgroup/rbabylon documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 4:23 p.m.