

########################################## CLASS DEFINITIONS AND VALIDITY CHECKS ####################################


#' Dummy class
#' @description Class unions for internal use only
#' @name numericOrNULL-class
#' @rdname numericOrNULL-class
#' @exportClass numericOrNULL
setClassUnion("numericOrNULL", c("numeric", "NULL"))

#' Dummy class
#' @description Class unions for internal use only
#' @name ANYOrNULL-class
#' @rdname ANYOrNULL-class
#' @exportClass ANYOrNULL
setClassUnion("ANYOrNULL", c("ANY", "NULL"))

#' Dummy class
#' @description Class unions for internal use only
#' @name functionOrNULL-class
#' @rdname functionOrNULL-class
#' @exportClass functionOrNULL
setClassUnion("functionOrNULL", c("function", "NULL"))

######### synlik: the base class

### Validity check

.check.synlik <- function(object)
  if(!is(object, "synlik")) stop("object has to be of class \"synlik\" ")
  errors <- character()
  if(length(object@param) == 0) errors <- c(errors, "length(param) == 0")
  if(is.null(names(object@param)) || any("" %in% names(object@param)) )
    errors <- c(errors, "param has to be a named vector")
  simulArgs <- names(as.list(args(object@simulator)))
  if( length(simulArgs) < 5 || !identical(simulArgs[1:3], c("param", "nsim", "extraArgs")) || simulArgs[length(simulArgs) - 1] != "...") 
    stop("The first 3 arguments of the simulator should be \"param\", \"nsim\" and \"extraArgs\" (in that order) and the last should be \"...\"")
  if( !is.null(object@summaries) )
    statsArgs <- names(as.list(args(object@summaries)))
    if( length(statsArgs) < 4 || (statsArgs[1] != "x") || statsArgs[length(statsArgs) - 1] != "...") 
      stop("The first 2 argument of the \"summaries\" function should be \"x\" and \"extraArgs\" (in that order) and the last should be \"...\"")
  if(length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors

### Class Definition
#' \code{synlik-class}
#' @usage{synlik(...)}
#' @description{ Basic class for simulation-based approximate inference using Synthetic Likelihood methods.  }
#' \section{Slots}{
#' \describe{
#'    \item{param}{Named vector of parameters used by \code{object@@simulator} (\code{numeric}).}
#'    \item{simulator}{Function that simulates from the model (\code{function}). It has to have prototype \code{fun(param, nsim, extraArgs, ...)}. 
#'                     If \code{summaries()} is not specified the \code{simulator()} has output a matrix with \code{nsim} rows, where
#'                     each row is a vector of simulated statistics. Otherwise it can output any kind of object, and this output will be
#'                     passed to \code{summaries()}.}
#'    \item{summaries}{Function that transforms simulated data into summary statistics (\code{function}). 
#'                     It has to have prototype \code{fun(x, extraArgs, ...)} and it has to output a matrix with \code{nsim} rows, where
#'                     each row is a vector of simulated statistics. Parameter \code{x} contains the data.}
#'    \item{data}{Object containing the observed data or statistics (\code{ANY}).}
#'    \item{extraArgs}{List containing all the extra arguments to be passed to \code{object@@simulator} and \code{object@@summaries} (\code{list}).}
#'    \item{plotFun}{Function that will be used to plot \code{object@@data}. Prototype should be \code{fun(x, ...)} (\code{function}).}
#'  }
#' @name synlik-class
#' @rdname synlik-class
#' @references Simon N Wood. Statistical inference for noisy nonlinear ecological dynamic systems. Nature, 466(7310):1102--1104, 2010.
#' @author Matteo Fasiolo <matteo.fasiolo@@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#' #### Create Object
#' ricker_sl <- synlik(simulator = rickerSimul,
#'                     summaries = rickerStats,
#'                     param = c( logR = 3.8, logSigma = log(0.3), logPhi = log(10) ),
#'                     extraArgs = list("nObs" = 50, "nBurn" = 50),
#'                     plotFun = function(input, ...) 
#'                                 plot(drop(input), type = 'l', ylab = "Pop", xlab = "Time", ...)
#' )
#' # Simulate from the object
#' ricker_sl@@data <- simulate(ricker_sl)
#' ricker_sl@@extraArgs$obsData <- ricker_sl@@data # Needed by WOOD2010 statistics
#' plot(ricker_sl)      
#' @exportClass synlik

setClass( "synlik",
          representation( param = "numeric",
                          simulator = "function",
                          summaries = "functionOrNULL",
                          data = "ANY",
                          extraArgs = "list",
                          plotFun = "functionOrNULL"
          prototype = prototype(
            param = numeric(),
            simulator = function() NULL,
            summaries = NULL,
            data = NULL, 
            extraArgs = list(),
            plotFun = NULL
          validity = .check.synlik

#' @param ... See section "Slots".
#' @rdname synlik-class
synlik <- function(...)
  # Expanding arguments and adding "synlik" class
  arg <- c("synlik", as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))[-1])
  do.call("new", arg)

######### smcmc: a synlik object after MCMC

### Validity check

.check.smcmc <- function(object)
  if(!is(object, "smcmc")) stop("object has to be of class \"smcmc\" ")
  errors <- character()
  if(length(object@initPar) == 0) errors <- c(errors, "length(initPar) should be > 0")
  if(length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors

### Class Definition
#' \code{smcmc-class}
#' @description{ Object representing the results of MCMC estimation on an object of class \code{synlik}, from which it inherits.  }
#' \section{Slots}{
#' \describe{
#'    \item{initPar}{Vector of initial parameters where the MCMC chain will start (\code{numeric}).}
#'    \item{niter}{Number of MCMC iterations (\code{integer}).}
#'    \item{nsim}{Number of simulations from the simulator at each step of the MCMC algorithm (\code{integer}).}
#'    \item{burn}{Number of initial MCMC iterations that are discarded (\code{integer}).}
#'    \item{priorFun}{Function that takes a vector of parameters as input and the log-density of the prior
#'                    as output. If the output is not finite the proposed point will be discarded. (\code{function}).
#'                    The function needs to have signature \code{fun(x, ...)}, where \code{x} represents the input parameters (\code{function}).}
#'    \item{propCov}{Matrix representing the covariance matrix to be used to perturb the 
#'                   parameters at each step of the MCMC chain (\code{matrix}).}
#'    \item{targetRate}{Target rate for the adaptive MCMC sampler. Should be in (0, 1), default is NULL (no adaptation). The adaptation
#'                      uses the approach of Vihola (2011). (\code{numeric})}
#'    \item{recompute}{If TRUE the synthetic likelihood will be evaluated at the current and proposed positions in the parameter
#'                    space (thus doubling the computational effort). If FALSE the likelihood of the current
#'                    position won't be re-estimated (\code{logical}).}
#'    \item{multicore}{If TRUE the \code{object@@simulator} and \code{object@@summaries} functions will
#'                     be executed in parallel. That is the nsim simulations will be divided in multiple cores (\code{logical}).}
#'    \item{ncores}{Number of cores to use if multicore == TRUE (\code{integer}).}
#'    \item{accRate}{Acceptance rate of the MCMC chain, between 0 and 1 (\code{numeric}).}
#'    \item{chains}{Matrix of size niter by length(initPar) where the i-th row contains the position of the MCMC algorithm
#'                      in the parameter space at the i-th (\code{matrix}).}
#'    \item{llkChain}{Vector of niter elements where the i-th element is contains the estimate of the 
#'                       synthetic likelihood at the i-th iteration (\code{numeric}).}
#'    \item{control}{Control parameters used by the MCMC sampler: \itemize{
#'                   \item{\code{theta} = controls the speed of adaption. Should be between 0.5 and 1.
#'                                        A lower gamma leads to faster adaption.}
#'                   \item{\code{adaptStart} = iteration where the adaption starts. Default 0.}
#'                   \item{\code{adaptStop} = iteration where the adaption stops. Default \code{burn + niter}}
#'                   \item{\code{saveFile} = path to the file where the intermediate results will be stored (ex: "~/Res.RData").}
#'                   \item{\code{saveFreq} = frequency with which the intermediate results will be saved on \code{saveFile}.
#'                                           Default 100.}
#'                   \item{\code{verbose} = if \code{TRUE} intermediate posterior means will be printer.}
#'                   \item{\code{verbFreq} = frequency with which the intermediate posterior means will be printer. Default 500.}
#' } }
#'  }
#' @name smcmc-class
#' @rdname smcmc-class
#' @exportClass smcmc
#' @references Vihola, M. (2011) Robust adaptive Metropolis algorithm with coerced acceptance rate. 
#'             Statistics and Computing. 
#' @author Matteo Fasiolo <matteo.fasiolo@@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#' # Load "synlik" object
#' data(ricker_sl)
#' plot(ricker_sl)
#' # MCMC estimation
#' set.seed(4235)
#' ricker_sl <- smcmc(ricker_sl, 
#'                    initPar = c(3.2, -1, 2.6),
#'                    niter = 50, 
#'                    burn = 3,
#'                    priorFun = function(input, ...) 1, 
#'                    propCov = diag( c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) )^2, 
#'                    nsim = 200, 
#'                    multicore = FALSE)
#' # Continue with additional 50 iterations
#' ricker_sl <- continue(ricker_sl, niter = 50)
#' plot(ricker_sl)       
         representation( initPar = "numeric",
                         niter = "integer",
                         nsim = "integer",
                         propCov = "matrix",
                         burn = "integer",
                         priorFun = "function",
                         targetRate = "numericOrNULL",
                         recompute = "logical",
                         multicore = "logical",
                         ncores = "integer",
                         control = "list",
                         accRate = "numeric",
                         chains = "matrix",
                         llkChain = "numeric"
         prototype = prototype(initPar = numeric(),
                               niter = 0L,
                               nsim = 0L, 
                               propCov = matrix( , 0, 0),
                               burn = 0L,
                               priorFun = function(param, ...) 0,
                               targetRate = NULL,
                               recompute = FALSE,
                               multicore = FALSE,
                               ncores = 1L,
                               control = list(),
                               accRate = numeric(),
                               chains = matrix( , 0, 0),
                               llkChain = numeric()),
         contains = "synlik",
         validity = .check.smcmc
mfasiolo/synlik_release documentation built on May 22, 2019, 7:55 p.m.