config_make | Generate config CSV files for new samples |
datgz_get | Return PMA output data from dat.gz data file and YAML metdata |
dd_get | Return or open data dictionary |
dds_list | Import list of read-only Data Dictionaries as ipums-metadata... |
desc_fix | Find and replace text in an existing variable description... |
desc_get | Return or open a variable description file |
desc_make | Create variable description files from a template |
dtag_shiny | Shiny Application for Data Dictionary DDOC Tagging |
enum_get | Return or open an enumerator document |
enum_make | Automatically convert ODK object to Enumerator document |
enums_list | Import all PMA enumerator documents as list |
ipumsPMA-package | ipumsPMA |
jtag_shiny | Shiny Application for Data Dictionary Jump-tagging |
odk_get | Return or open ODK files from PMA admin folder |
py | ipums-metadata Python module wrapper for R |
reformatted_get | Return input data from the reformatted folder |
svars_by_tt | Find SVARs by Translation Table |
tracking_get | Return page from tracking sheet as tibble |
tt_fix | Find and replace metadata in an existing translation table |
tt_get | Load or open a translation table |
tt_make | Create a translation table from a config file or existing... |
tts_list | Import list of read-only Translation Tables as ipums-metadata... |
tt_to_xls | Helper function: write tt tibble object to xls file |
tt_update | Update a translation table with new samples |
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