Description Usage Arguments Details Note Author(s) Examples
Launches a browser application for selecting DDOCs and DTAGs for a sample's Data Dictionary. The user can download their selections from the application as a CSV file, and then copy & paste into a Data Dictionary. (This function may be updated to write directly to a Data Dictionary after IPUMS metadata conventions are updated to CSV format in 2020).
1 | dtag_shiny(sample, enums, dds, tts)
sample |
A PMA sample with a Data Dictionary listed in Samples.xlsx |
enums |
Optional: A list object created by the function enums_list. If not specified, the function enums_list will be run when dtag_shiny() is called: for sake of speed, the user may wish to specify enums here if dtag_shiny() will be run more than once. |
dds |
Optional: A list object created by the function dds_list. If not specified, the function dds_list will be run when dtag_shiny() is called: for sake of speed, the user may wish to specify dds here if dtag_shiny() will be run more than once. |
tts |
Optional: A list object created by the function tts_list. If not specified, the function tts_list will be run when dtag_shiny() is called, using all Tranlsation Tables sharing the unit of sample: for sake of speed, the user may wish to specify tts here if dtag_shiny() will be run more than once. |
This application suggests potential DDOCs and DTAGs for each variable in a new sample Data Dictionary by finding each variable in any/all Translation Tables where it has been included as input. It then searches for each of the SVARs from older samples in each Translation Table, and it then returns a list of DDOCs/DTAGs used by all of those samples. This list is arranged in order of most-to-least popular tags. The user will be prompted to select tags from this list: each time a new selection in made, its text will be displayed next to the text for the JDOC/JTAG for a given variable. They may then choose whether to use the currently displayed DDOC/DTAG, choose another popular DDOC/DTAG, choose the JDOC/JTAG, or choose "x".
For any variables in the new Data Dictionary that do not appear in any Translation Table, the text "no TT found" will appear in place of a list of DDOCs/DTAGs. For any variables that appear in multiple translation tables, the list of popular DDOCs/DTAGs from those Translation Tables will be concatenated, and the name of each Translation Table will be provided as additional detail. For any variables where no other samples appear in the Translation Table besides the new sample, or if those samples have all been tagged "x", the text "no DTAGs found" will appear in place of a list of DDOCs/DTAGs.
Matt Gunther
1 2 3 4 | ## Not run:
## End(Not run)
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