dds_list: Import list of read-only Data Dictionaries as ipums-metadata...

Description Usage Arguments Author(s)

View source: R/dds_list.R


Imports a batch of PMA Data Dictionaries as a list object, where each item in the list contains a Python object returned by the ipums-metadata DataDictionary class (with all class methods attached as functions).

This function is designed for use with tasks requiring fast queries delivered to a large number of Data Dictionaries (e.g. tagging Data Dictionaries with the function dd_tagging).


dds_list(unit, samp_append)



Optional, character: "hhf", "sdp", or "mnh". If no unit is specified, all PMA Data Dictionaries will be imported. If a unit is specified, the function will only import Data Dictionaries for samples with alike units (options "hhf" and "sdp" include nutrition samples).


Optional, character: a PMA sample. A tibble will be returned for the specified sample. If not, a list will be returned containing a tibble for each sample sharing the unit of analysis specified by unit. This argument may be used to append a freshly-tagged Data Dictionary to an existing list, particularly if the user is tagging several Data Dictionaries consecutively with the function dd_tagging, and they would prefer to avoid re-importing all project Data Dictionaries each time.


Matt Gunther

mgunther87/ipumsPMA documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 12:22 a.m.