Description Usage Arguments Note Author(s)
Returns a tibble containing all SVARs in the specified set of samples. If an SVAR is currently included in a translation table contained in the specified list of translation tables, its integrated variable name is returned. If an SVAR is not currently included in one of these tranlsation tables, NA is returned.
1 | svars_by_tt(samples, tts, svars)
samples |
Optional: A vector of one or more samples. All SVARs will be sought in the data dictionary associated with each sample. If no samples are specified, svars must be specified. |
tts |
Optional: a list of translation tables returned by the function tts_list. If no list is provided, this function will build a list of all PMA translation tables each time it is run (this is slow and not recommended). |
svars |
Optional: a vector of SVARs included in the data dictionary associated with one of the specified samples. If any SVARs a specified, only those SVARs will be included in the search. If none are specified, samples must be specified, and all SVARs from those samples will be sought. |
Optionally, the user may specify one or more SVARs in the specified samples. In this case, only the specified SVARs will be sought. Otherwise, all SVARs will be sought.
Matt Gunther
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