# code to create the json prediction:
webApi = 'https://yourWebAPI'
populationSettings <- list(PatientLevelPrediction::createStudyPopulationSettings(riskWindowEnd = 365),
PatientLevelPrediction::createStudyPopulationSettings(riskWindowEnd = 730))
modelList <- list(list("LassoLogisticRegressionSettings" = list("variance" = 0.01)),
list("AdaBoostSettings" = list("nEstimators" = c(25,50),
"learningRate" = 0.1))
covariateSettings <- list(list(list(fnct = 'createCovariateSettings',
settings = FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsGender = T)),
list(fnct = 'createCohortCovariateSettings',
settings = list(covariateName = 'test', covariateId = 16442956,
cohortId = 16442,
startDay=-30, endDay=0, count=F,
ageInteraction = F))),
list(fnct = 'createCovariateSettings',
settings = FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsGender = T))
resrictOutcomePops <- data.frame(outcomeId = c(16428,16435),
populationSettingId = c(1,2))
resrictModelCovs = data.frame(modelSettingId = c(1,1,2),
covariateSettingId = c(1,2,1))
executionSettings <- list(washoutPeriod = 365,
minCovariateFraction = 0.001,
normalizeData = T,
testSplit = "stratified",
testFraction = 0.25,
splitSeed = 1250,
nfold = 3)
json <- createDevelopmentStudyJson(packageName = 'exampleStudy',
packageDescription = 'an example of the skeleton',
createdBy = 'add name',
organizationName = 'add organization',
targets = data.frame(targetId = c(16425,16377,16387),
cohortId = c(16425,16377,16387),
targetName = c('diabetes','liver issues','fall')),
outcomes = data.frame(outcomeId = c(16428,16435),
cohortId = c(16428,16435),
outcomeName = c('congestive heart failure','afib')),
populationSettings = populationSettings,
modelList = modelList,
covariateSettings = covariateSettings,
resrictOutcomePops = resrictOutcomePops,
resrictModelCovs = resrictModelCovs,
executionSettings = executionSettings,
webApi = webApi,
outputLocation = 'D:/testing/',
jsonName = 'predictionAnalysisList.json')
specifications <- Hydra::loadSpecifications(file.path('D:/testing', 'predictionAnalysisList.json'))
Hydra::hydrate(specifications = specifications, outputFolder = 'D:/testing/package')
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.