
#'Plot the signed contribution to Chi2
#'@param Confusion_mat_norm Confusion matrix, row-normed
#'@param DESIGN_rows Design info for the rows
#'@param scale_max_100 Boolean to set the max to 100 percent
#'@param dev_new Flag to appease ReporteRs (set FALSE to print results to pptx)
#'@return A pretty confusion matrix

PlotConfusion_norm_SignedCtrb <- function(Confusion_mat_norm = NULL, DESIGN_rows = NULL, scale_max_100 = TRUE, dev_new = TRUE){

    Expected <- 100/DESIGN_rows$B
    #Largest possible observed value = 100
    scale_max <- ((100 - Expected)^2) / Expected
    #Smallest possible observed value = 0
    scale_min <- -1 * (( 0  - Expected)^2) / Expected
    TheScale <- c(scale_min, scale_max)
    TheScale <- NULL

  Expect <- matrix(100/DESIGN_rows$B, DESIGN_rows$B, DESIGN_rows$B)
  Chi2 <- (Confusion_mat_norm - Expect)^2 / Expect
  Signed_Ctrb <- Chi2 * sign(Confusion_mat_norm - Expect)

  if(dev_new) dev.new()
           # method = "square",
           is.cor = FALSE,
           addCoef.col = "gray60",
           cl.lim = TheScale,
           tl.cex = 1.25,
           cl.cex = 1,
           number.cex = 1.25)

michaelkriegsman/PlotDiDiSTATIS documentation built on May 30, 2019, 6:19 p.m.