
# Base data for all data sets --------------------------------------------------

BiocVersion <- "3.13"
path <- paste0("microbiomeDataSets/",BiocVersion,"/")

df_Base <- DataFrame(
    BiocVersion = BiocVersion,
    SourceVersion = NA,
    Coordinate_1_based = TRUE,
    Species = "Homo sapiens",
    TaxonomyId = "9606",
    SourceVersion = Sys.time(),
    Genome = NA,
    SourceUrl = "",
    DataProvider = NA,
    Maintainer = "Leo Lahti <>"


df <- rbind(
          DataFrame(Title = "O'Keefe diet swap microbiome counts",
                    Description = paste0("Count matrix for the O'Keefe diet swap microbiome dataset"),
                    SourceType = "CSV",
                    RDataClass = "matrix",
                    DispatchClass = "Rds",
                    RDataPath = paste0(path,"okeefe-ds/counts.rds"),
                    Tags = NA)),
          DataFrame(Title = "O'Keefe diet swap microbiome row data",
                    Description = paste0("Row data for the O'Keefe diet swap microbiome dataset"),
                    SourceType = "CSV",
                    RDataClass = "DFrame",
                    DispatchClass = "Rds",
                    RDataPath = paste0(path,"okeefe-ds/rowdata.rds"),
                    Tags = NA)),
          DataFrame(Title = "O'Keefe diet swap sample data",
                    Description = paste0("Sample data for the O'Keefe diet swap microbiome dataset"),
                    SourceType = "CSV",
                    RDataClass = "DFrame",
                    DispatchClass = "Rds",
                    RDataPath = paste0(path,"okeefe-ds/coldata.rds"),
                    Tags = NA))

df$Tags <- paste(df$Tags[!$Tags)],"Microbiome",collapse = ":",sep="")

write.csv(df, file = paste0("../extdata/",BiocVersion,"/metadata-okeefe-ds.csv"),
          row.names = FALSE)
microbiome/microbiomeDataSets documentation built on July 6, 2024, 1:42 a.m.