
Defines functions zone_by_weights weight_grid_to_data

Documented in weight_grid_to_data zone_by_weights

#' Build Weighting Grid
#' @description  Returns a data.table with columns for ID, grid_id, X, Y and weight. By default this object is
#' sorted on the grid_id
#' @param data file path or 
#' @param geom sf, sfc, SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, or SpatialPolygons object with polygonal geometries
#' @param ID the name of the column providing the unique identified of each geom
#' @param progress if TRUE, display a progress bar during processing
#' @return a list(data.table, vector)
#' @export

weight_grid = function (data, geom, ID, progress = TRUE) {
  w = suppressWarnings({
                            fun = NULL, 
                            include_cols = ID, 
                            progress = progress,
                            include_cell = TRUE))
  w$value = NULL

#' Use Weight Grid to extract SpatRast Data
#' @description  Returns a data.table with raster data attached to weight grid
#' @param data SpatRaster or file path
#' @param w weight grid
#' @param subds subdatasets to extract
#' @return data.table
#' @export

weight_grid_to_data = function(data, w, subds = 0){ 
  #data = prep_input(data, subds = subds , win = NULL)
  d2 = cbind(w, extract(data, xyFromCell(data, w$cell)))

#' Execute Zonal Stats by Weight Grid
#' @description  execute
#' @param data SpatRaster or file path
#' @param w weight grid
#' @param ID the grouping ID 
#' @param fun summarization function
#' @param subds subdatasets to extract
#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to the lapply summary in DT summary

#' @return data.table
#' @export

zone_by_weights = function(data, w, ID, fun = "mean", subds = 0, ...){
  .SD <- coverage_fraction <- NULL

  dt = weight_grid_to_data(data, w, subds = subds)

  collapse = FALSE
  if(inherits(fun, "function")){
    fun = fun
  } else if(fun %in% weight_functions()$base){
    collapse = TRUE
    fun = weight_functions()$collapse[which(fun == weight_functions()$base)]
  } else {
    fun = fun
    exe = collap(dt, 
                 by = as.formula(paste0("~", ID)), 
                 FUN = fun, 
                 keep.w = FALSE,
                 w = ~coverage_fraction, 
                 na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    cols = names(dt)[!names(dt) %in% c(ID, 'cell', 'coverage_fraction')]
    dt[, lapply(.SD, FUN = fun, coverage_fraction = coverage_fraction, ...), by = ID, .SDcols = cols]
    exe = dt[, lapply(.SD, FUN = fun, coverage_fraction = coverage_fraction, ...), by = ID, .SDcols = cols]

mikejohnson51/zonal documentation built on Dec. 9, 2024, 11:52 p.m.