Man pages for mikelove/alpine

alpine-packagealpine: bias corrected transcript abundance estimation
buildFragtypesBuild fragment types from exons
estimateAbundanceEstimate bias-corrected transcript abundances (FPKM)
estimateThetaEstimate bias-corrected transcript abundances (FPKM)
extractAlpineExtract results from estimateAbundance run across genes
fitBiasModelsFit bias models over single-isoform genes
getFragmentWidthsGet fragment widths
getReadLengthGet read length
mergeGenesMerge overlapping "genes" into gene clusters
normalizeDESeqDESeq median ratio normalization for matrix
plotFragLenPlot fragment length distribution over samples
plotGCPlot the fragment GC bias over samples
plotGRLSimple segments plot for GRangesList
plotOrder0Plot parameters of the variable length Markov model (VLMM)...
plotRelPosPlot relative position bias over samples
predictCoveragePredict coverage for a single-isoform gene
preprocessedDataPreprocessed data for vignettes and examples
splitGenesAcrossChromsSplit genes that have isoforms across chromosomes
splitLongGenesSplit very long genes
mikelove/alpine documentation built on June 9, 2024, 11:37 a.m.