preprocessedData: Preprocessed data for vignettes and examples

preprocessedDataR Documentation

Preprocessed data for vignettes and examples


The following data objects are prepared for use in the alpine vignette and examples pages, as the preparation of these objects requires either long running time or a large amount of disk space.

Format and ebt.theta are GRangesList. fitpar, fitpar.small, res are lists created by alpine functions. genes.theta is a character vector. txdf.theta is a DataFrame.


  • - the GRangesList prepared in the vignette for fitting the bias models

  • fitpar - the fitted parameters, similar to those made in the vignette, but using minsize=80 and maxsize=350

  • fitpar.small - the fitted parameters from the vignette, returned by fitBiasModels

  • res - the results object from the vignette, returned by estimateAbundance

  • ebt.theta - the GRangesList prepared in the vignette for running estimateAbundance

  • genes.theta - the names of genes used in the vignette for running estimateAbundance

  • txdf.theta - the DataFrame of gene and transcript information used in the vignette for running estimateAbundance


See vignette for details of object construction. The alignments come from alpineData (4 samples from GEUVADIS project), the Ensembl gene annotations come from Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.84.gtf, and the genome is BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38.

mikelove/alpine documentation built on June 9, 2024, 11:37 a.m.