knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE)
TAGOF <- readr::read_csv(here::here("extdata","Figure_3F_TArescue.csv")) %>%
  mutate(cond = fct_relevel(cond, "Tyrosine", "Tyr+TA"),
         food =fct_relevel(food, "OP50", "JUb39"),
         group = interaction(cond, food),
         TA = case_when(
           cond == "Tyrosine" ~ 0,
           cond == "Tyr+TA" ~ 4,
           cond == "Tyr+10mM_TA" ~ 10
         data_type = "raw",
         KO_data = case_when(
           date %in% c("2019_03_19",
                     "2019_04_17") & cond == "Tyrosine" ~ "repeated",
           TRUE ~ "new")) %>% droplevels()

# Bayesian Models -----------------------
stan_glm <- rstanarm::stan_lmer(TAGOF, 
                      formula = log(response.time) ~ food*cond + (food | date) + (1|plateID),
                      seed = 6994,
                      cores = 4, 
                      chains = 4)

stan_group_mod <- rstanarm::stan_lmer(TAGOF, 
                      formula = log(response.time) ~ group + (food | date) + (1|plateID),
                      seed = 6994,
                      cores = 4, 
                      chains = 4)

#------Posterior parameter estimates
means.95 <- modelbased::estimate_means(stan_group_mod, ci = .95, transform = "none") %>% rename(m = Median, ll = CI_low, hh = CI_high)
means.66 <- modelbased::estimate_means(stan_group_mod, ci = .66, transform = "none") %>% rename(m = Median, l = CI_low, h = CI_high)
fitted <- full_join(means.95, means.66) %>%
  mutate(food = factor(c(
    rep("OP50", 2),
    rep("JUb39", 3),
    rep("JUb39; tdcDel::cmR delAADC", 3)
  ), levels = c("OP50", "JUb39", "JUb39; tdcDel::cmR delAADC")),
  cond = factor(c(c("Tyrosine", "Tyr+TA"),
           rep(c("Tyrosine", "Tyr+TA",  "Tyr+10mM_TA"), 2)),
           levels = c("Tyrosine", "Tyr+TA",  "Tyr+10mM_TA")

# select 95 and 66% HDI contrasts between OP50 control and all other groups for plot
contrasts.95 <- modelbased::estimate_contrasts(stan_group_mod, ci = 0.95)[c(1,14,15,26,27),] %>%
  mutate(food = c("OP50", rep("JUb39",2), rep("JUb39; tdcDel::cmR delAADC", 2)),
         cond = c("Tyr+TA", rep(c("Tyr+TA",  "Tyr+10mM_TA"), 2))) %>%
  select(food, cond, m = Median, ll = CI_low, hh = CI_high)
contrasts.66 <- modelbased::estimate_contrasts(stan_group_mod, ci = 0.66)[c(1,14,15,26,27),] %>%
  mutate(food = c("OP50", rep("JUb39",2), rep("JUb39; tdcDel::cmR delAADC", 2)),
         cond = c("Tyr+TA", rep(c("Tyr+TA",  "Tyr+10mM_TA"), 2))) %>%
  select(food, cond, m = Median, l = CI_low, h = CI_high)
fitted <- full_join(contrasts.95, contrasts.66) %>%
  mutate(food = fct_relevel(food, c("OP50", "JUb39")),
         cond = fct_relevel(cond, c("Tyrosine", "Tyr+TA",  "Tyr+10mM_TA"))) %>%
         mutate_if(is.numeric,  function(.) {-1 * .})

# fitted <- TAGOF %>%
#   data_grid(food,cond) %>%
#   add_fitted_draws(stan_glm, re_formula = NA) %>%
#   mutate(response.time = exp(.value), data_type = "fit")

#----normalize to Non-tyrosine control for each group to compare TA effect--------
  mutate(response.time = case_when(
        response.time < 1 ~ 1,
        TRUE ~ response.time)) %>%
      group_by(cond, food, date) %>%
      summarise(meanOP = mean(log(response.time))) %>%
      filter(cond == "Tyrosine") %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      select(food, date, meanOP) %>%
      full_join(., TAGOF) %>%
      mutate(rel_log = log(response.time) - meanOP,
             food = fct_relevel(food, "OP50"))

plot3 <- TAGOF %>%
  #filter(!(food == "JUb39" & cond == "Tyr+10mM_TA")) %>%
   mutate(response.time = case_when(
    response.time < 1 ~ 1, 
    TRUE ~ response.time
  )) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = data_type)) +
  ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom(aes(colour = food,
                                        y = rel_log),
                                    width = 0.2,
                                    alpha = 0.5,
                                    shape = 16) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(y = rel_log, fill = food),
               alpha = 0.7,
               outlier.shape = NA) +
  geom_linerange(data = fitted,
                      aes(x = 1.5,
                          ymin = ll,
                          ymax = hh),
                      lwd = 0.35,
                      colour = "grey34") +
         geom_crossbar(data = fitted,
                       aes(y = m,
                           x = 1.5,
                           ymin = l,
                           ymax = h),
                       width = 0.05,
                       lwd = 0.35,
                       alpha = 0.5,
                       colour = "grey69",
                       fill = "grey69") +
  scale_fill_plot(palette = "grey-blue-light", drop = TRUE) +
  scale_color_plot(palette = "grey-blue-light", drop = TRUE) +
    #geom_relLatency(fitted = fitted, yvar = log(response.time)) +
  facet_grid(.~food + cond) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-2,2)) +
  add.n(data_type, y.pos = -2) +
  guides(fill = FALSE, colour = FALSE)


 # plot <- TAGOF %>%
 # mutate(response.time = case_when(
 #    response.time < 1 ~ 1, 
 #    TRUE ~ response.time
 #  ))  %>%
 #  ggplot(aes(x = data_type, y = response.time)) +
 #  stat_summary(geom = "bar", fun.y = mean, aes(fill = food), width = 0.6, alpha = 0.5) +
 #  ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom(aes(colour = food, pch = KO_data), width = 0.2, alpha = 0.75) +
 #  facet_grid(.~food + cond, 
 #             labeller = labeller(genotype = label_wrap_gen(10), 
 #                                 food = as_labeller(c("OP50" = "",
 #                                                    "JUb39" = "")))) +
 #   scale_color_plot(palette = "grey-blue-light", drop = TRUE) +
 #   scale_fill_plot(palette = "grey-blue-light", drop = TRUE) +
 #  stat_summary(geom = "errorbar", = mean_se, width = 0.2) +
 #  add.n('data_type', y.pos = 0.9) +
 #  stat_pointinterval(aes(y=response.time, x = 1.5),
 #                     data = fitted, fatten_point = 0,
 #                     size_range = c(0.3, 1), colour = "darkgrey") +
 #  stat_summary(data = fitted,
 #               aes(y=response.time, x = 1.5),
 #               fun.y = median,
 #               fun.ymin = median,
 #               fun.ymax = median,
 #               geom = "crossbar",
 #               width = 0.05,
 #               lwd = 0.35,
 #               colour = "darkgrey") +
 #  labs(x = "genotype",
 #       y = "time to reversal (s)") +
 #  guides(colour = FALSE, fill = FALSE) +
 #  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) +
 #  scale_y_log10()

 #singular fit
  TAGOF %>% lme4::lmer(data = ., log(response.time) ~ food*cond + (1|plateID) + (food|date))
  #non-singular fit
  TAGOF %>% lme4::lmer(data = ., log(response.time) ~ food*cond + (food|date)) %>% 
  emmeans(~ cond | food) %>% contrast(method = "pairwise")

mikeod38/ProvidenciaChemo documentation built on April 6, 2020, 11:57 p.m.