
SpatialPointsTopography<-function(points, elevation, slope = NULL, aspect = NULL, proj4string = CRS(as.character(NA))) {
  if(!(inherits(points,"SpatialPoints")|| inherits(points,"matrix"))) stop("'points' has to be of class 'matrix' or 'SpatialPoints'.")
  if(inherits(points,"SpatialPoints")) {
    npoints = nrow(points@coords)
    proj4string =points@proj4string
    coords = points@coords
    bbox = points@bbox
  } else {
    coords  = as.matrix(points)
    npoints = nrow(coords)
    bbox = bbox(SpatialPoints(coords))
  if(length(elevation)!=npoints) stop("'elevation' has to be of length equal to the number of points")
    slope = as.numeric(rep(NA, length(elevation)))
  else if(length(slope)!=npoints) 
    stop("'slope' has to be of length equal to the number of points")
    aspect = as.numeric(rep(NA, length(elevation)))
  else if(length(aspect)!=npoints) 
    stop("'aspect' has to be of length equal to the number of points")
  data = data.frame(elevation = elevation, slope = slope, aspect = aspect,
                    row.names = row.names(coords))
  lt = new("SpatialPointsTopography",
          coords = coords,
          bbox = bbox,
          proj4string = proj4string,
          data = data)
setMethod("[", signature("SpatialPointsTopography"),definition =
            function (x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) 
              missing.i = missing(i)
              if (!missing(j)) 
                warning("j index ignored")
              if (missing.i) i = TRUE
              if (is.matrix(i)) 
                stop("matrix argument not supported in SpatialPointsTopography selection")
              if (is(i, "Spatial")) 
                i = !is.na(over(x, geometry(i)))
              if (is.character(i)) 
                i <- match(i, row.names(x))
              if (any(is.na(i))) 
                stop("NAs not permitted in row index")
              sp = as(x,"SpatialPoints")[i, , drop=drop]
              x@coords = sp@coords
              x@bbox = sp@bbox
              x@data = x@data[i, , ..., drop = FALSE]

print.SpatialPointsTopography = function(x, ..., digits = getOption("digits")) {
  cat("Object of class SpatialPointsTopography\n")
  cc = substring(paste(as.data.frame(
    t(signif(coordinates(x), digits)))),2,999)
  df = data.frame("coordinates" = cc, x@data)
  row.names(df) = row.names(x@data)
  print(df, ..., digits = digits)
setMethod("print", "SpatialPointsTopography", function(x, ..., digits = getOption("digits")) print.SpatialPointsTopography(x, ..., digits))
setMethod("show", "SpatialPointsTopography", function(object) print.SpatialPointsTopography(object))

head.SpatialPointsTopography <- function(x, n=6L, ...) {
  n <- min(n, length(x))
  ix <- sign(n)*seq(abs(n))
  x[ ix , , drop=FALSE]
setMethod("head", "SpatialPointsTopography", function(x, n=6L, ...) head.SpatialPointsTopography(x,n,...))

tail.SpatialPointsTopography <- function(x, n=6L, ...) {
  n <- min(n, length(x))
  ix <- sign(n)*rev(seq(nrow(x), by=-1L, len=abs(n)))
  x[ ix , , drop=FALSE]
setMethod("tail", "SpatialPointsTopography", function(x, n=6L, ...) tail.SpatialPointsTopography(x,n,...))

setMethod("spTransform", signature("SpatialPointsTopography", "CRS"),
      function(x, CRSobj, ...) {
            sp = spTransform(as(x,"SpatialPoints"), CRSobj) # calls the rgdal methods
                coords = sp@coords,
                bbox = sp@bbox,
                proj4string = sp@proj4string,
                data = x@data)

as.SpPtsTop.SpPixTop = function(from) { 
  spdf = as(from, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
      coords = spdf@coords,
      coords.nrs = spdf@coords.nrs,
      bbox = spdf@bbox,
      grid = spdf@grid,
      grid.index = spdf@grid.index,
      proj4string = spdf@proj4string,
      data = spdf@data)
setAs("SpatialPointsTopography", "SpatialPixelsTopography", as.SpPtsTop.SpPixTop)

as.SpPtsTop.SpGrdTop = function(from) { 
setAs("SpatialPointsTopography", "SpatialGridTopography", as.SpPtsTop.SpGrdTop)
miquelcaceres/meteoland documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:57 p.m.