Man pages for mjdufort/RNAseQC
Helper functions for conducting quality control of RNAseq data

calc_PCAsRun PCA on gene expression count data
calc_PCcorsCalculate correlations of principal components with quality...
convert_gene_namesConvert gene identifiers
estimate_saturationEstimate saturation of genes based on rarefaction of reads
get_HGNCConvert gene identifiers to HGNC gene symbols
logXYratioCalculate ratio of total counts of genes mapping to the X and...
plot_metricsPlot RNAseq metrics
plot_PCAsPlot samples on pairwise sets of PCA axes, optionally...
plot_PCcor_heatmapPlot a heatmap of correlations between PCs and other sample...
plot_PC_loadingsPlot PC loadings
plot_read_countsPlot read counts by library
plot_saturation_curvePlot saturation curves of genes based on reads object
mjdufort/RNAseQC documentation built on Aug. 12, 2024, 12:28 p.m.