
#' Generate a set of volcano plot of genes from WGCNA modules and a differential expression (limma) analysis, for one or more contrasts
#' Generate a set of volcano plot of genes from a differential expression (limma) analysis, for one or
#' more contrastst, with point inclusion and color based on membership in modules from a WGCNA
#' analysis. These plots can be output to a plotting window, or to a pdf. Points can be selected for
#' inclusion based on their connectivity to the module eigengene (kME). Points can be labeled with gene
#' names, and the points to be labeled can be set based on an ellipse oriented to the x- and y-axes.
#' @param topGenes.pairwise a list of data frames, each typically containing the output of a call to \code{topTable} for a single contrast. Each list element should be named with an identifier for the contrast, and must contain genes, log2 fold-change, and adjusted p-values.
#' @param gene_modules a data frame containing the gene module memberships. Must contain, at minimum, columns for \code{gene}, \code{color_assigned}, and \code{kME_color_assigned}. If provided, the function outputs a pdf of the plot, named "{file_prefix}.pdf".
#' @param plotdims a numeric vector, the size (in inches) of the plotting object. Either the size of the pdf, or the size of the plotting window.
#' @param fc_cut numeric, the (absolute value) log2 fold-change threshold for determining significance of genes. This value is also plotted as vertical dotted lines.
#' @param p_cut numeric, the p-value threshold for determining significance of genes. This value is also plotted as a horizontal dotted line.
#' @param x_lim,y_lim numeric vectors, the lower and upper limits of the plotting space along the x- and y-axes. Passed to \code{ggplot2::xlim}.
#' @param gene_labs logical, whether to include gene labels for genes with extreme logFC and p-value. If \code{TRUE}, genes with values outside the labeling ellipse will be labeled.
#' @param x_cut,y_cut numeric, the radii of the labeling ellipse along the x- and y-axes. Genes with values outside the ellipse are labeled with gene names. Default to 0, which results in all genes being labeled.
#' @param point_order character string, specifying how to order the points. Currently accepted values are "random", which randomizes the order of the points, and "input", which send the points to ggplot as they are in the input data frame. Defaults to "random".
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import stringr
#' @details A separate plot is generated for element of topGenes.pairwise. Genes with \code{kME_color_assigned > kME_cut} are plotted. Colors of points are determined by the values of \code{color_assigned}; if different colors are preferred, these values must be modified prior to calling \code{plot_WGCNA_module_volcano_2var}.
#' @export
#' @usage \code{
#' plot_WGCNA_module_volcano_nvars(
#'      topGenes.pairwise, gene_modules,
#'      file_prefix=NULL, plotdims=c(9,9),
#'      kME_cut=0.75, fc_cut=log2(1.5), p_cut=0.01,
#'      x_lim=NULL, y_lim=NULL,
#'      gene_labs=FALSE, x_cut=0, y_cut=0,
#'      point_order="random")}
plot_WGCNA_module_volcano_nvars <-
  function(topGenes.pairwise, gene_modules,
           file_prefix=NULL, plotdims=c(9,9),
           kME_cut=0.75, fc_cut=log2(1.5), p_cut=0.01,
           x_lim=NULL, y_lim=NULL,
           gene_labs=FALSE, x_cut=0, y_cut=0,
           point_order="random") {
    for (i in names(topGenes.pairwise)) {
      topGenes <- topGenes.pairwise[[i]][na.omit(match(gene_modules[,"gene"], rownames(topGenes.pairwise[[i]]))),]  # remove genes not in any module
      topGenes[,c("color_assigned", "kME_color_assigned")] <-
        gene_modules[match(rownames(topGenes), gene_modules[,"gene"]),
                     c("color_assigned", "kME_color_assigned")] # get colors and kME values for genes in WGCNA modules
      topGenes <- topGenes[topGenes[,"kME_color_assigned"] >= kME_cut,] # remove genes below kME connectivity to WGCNA module
      topGenes <- miscHelpers::order_points(topGenes, method=point_order)
      colnames(topGenes) <- str_replace(colnames(topGenes), paste(".", i, sep=""), "") # strip out the de-ambiguation from the column names
      volcano <-
          data = topGenes,
          aes(x=logFC, y=-log10(adj.P.Val),
              colour=factor(color_assigned, levels=unique(topGenes[,"color_assigned"])))) +
        geom_point(alpha=0.6, size=3) +
        theme(legend.position = "none") +
        xlab("log2 fold change") + ylab("-log10 Adj P") +
        geom_vline(xintercept = fc_cut, linetype="dotted",size=1.0) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = -fc_cut, linetype="dotted",size=1.0) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(p_cut), linetype="dotted",size=1.0) + 
      if (!is.null(x_lim)) {volcano <- volcano + xlim(x_lim)}
      if (!is.null(y_lim)) {volcano <- volcano + ylim(y_lim)}
      if (gene_labs) {
        volcano <- volcano +
            data=topGenes[((topGenes[,"logFC"]^2)/(x_cut^2) + (log10(topGenes[,"adj.P.Val"])^2)/(y_cut^2)) > 1,],
            aes(label=rownames(topGenes[((topGenes[,"logFC"]^2)/(x_cut^2) + (log10(topGenes[,"adj.P.Val"])^2)/(y_cut^2)) > 1,])),
            color="black", size=3, vjust=1, hjust=0.5)}
      if (!is.null(file_prefix)) {
        pdf(file=paste(file_prefix, paste("WGCNA_colors", kME_cut, sep="_"), i, "pdf", sep="."),
            w=plotdims[1], h=plotdims[2])
        on.exit(dev.off(), add=TRUE) # close plotting device on exit
      } else {
        volcano <- volcano + ggtitle(i)
mjdufort/comboVisTools documentation built on May 14, 2019, 10:30 p.m.