Man pages for mjwestgate/sppairs
Species Pairwise Association Analysis (SPAA)

binary.entropyBinary entropy of proportions data
clean.datasetConvert a dataset to binary, and remove unusually rare or...
fisher.test.pvalCalculate the significance of the association between two...
glmer.coefCalculate pairwise association between species using mixed...
make.binaryConvert a matrix or data.frame to binary
make.long.formatConvert a matrix of pairwise associations into a 3-column...
make.wide.formatConvert a 3-column data.frame into a matrix
mutual.informationCalculate the association between two vectors using mutual...
or.asymmetricAsymmetric odds ratio calculation using a contingency table
or.glmOdds ratio calculation using regression
or.glmerOdds ratio calculation using mixed models
or.symmetricSymmetric odds ratio calculation using a contingency table
plot.spaaNetwork diagram of species pairwise associations
prop.occupiedProportion of occupied sites
spaaSpecies pairwise association analysis
sppairsAn R package for pairwise association analysis
mjwestgate/sppairs documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:05 a.m.