
##' This function compute the parameters of a distribution given the
##' distribution, observed value and the self information.
##' @param obsValue The observed value
##' @param selfInformation The self information of the value, which is
##' defined as the negative log of the probability of the observed value.
##' @param distribution The distribution to be parameterised.
##' @return The parameter asssociated with the specified distribution.
##' @export

parameterise = function(obsValue, selfInformation, distribution){
    if(selfInformation == 0){
        list(k0 = obsValue)
    } else {
               `normal` = {
                   mean = obsValue               
                   sd = sqrt(exp(2 * selfInformation)/(2 * pi * exp(1)))
                   list(mean = mean, sd = sd)
               `cauchy` = {
                   location = obsValue
                   scale = exp(selfInformation - log(4 * pi))
                   list(location = location, scale = scale)
               `laplace` = {
                   location = obsValue
                   scale = exp(selfInformation - 1)/2
                   list(location = location, scale = scale)
               `truncNorm` = {
                   ## The truncated normal here is defined as having lower
                   ## bound of zero and upper bound of infinity. That is,
                   ## on the positive real line.
                   mean = obsValue
                   sd = uniroot(
                           entropyTruncNormal(a = 0, sd = x, mean = obsValue) -
                       interval = c(1e-20, 1e20))$root
                   list(mean = mean, sd = sd)
               `logNorm` = {
                   sdlog = uniroot(
                           ## The mean has to be computed first, as the
                           ## observed value assumed to be the mode of the
                           ## distribution.
                           mean = log(obsValue) + x^2
                           entropyLogNorm(mean = mean, sd = x) -
                       interval = c(1e-50, 1e20))$root
                   meanlog = log(obsValue) + sdlog^2
                   list(meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog)
               `exponential` = {
                   rate = exp(-(selfInformation - 1))
                   warning("Exponential distribution has mode at zero")
                   list(rate = rate)
               `weibull` = {
                   shape = uniroot(
                           scale = obsValue/((x - 1/x)^1/x)
                           entropyWeibull(shape = x, scale = scale) -
                       }, interval = c(1 + 1e-50, 1e20))$root
                   scale = scale = obsValue/((shape - 1/shape)^1/shape)
                   list(shape = shape, scale = scale)
mkao006/sws_flag documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:05 a.m.