
##' Function to convert tree in adjacent list format to edge
##' representation.
##' @param tree A data.table object with two columns.  The first column should
##' have the parent nodes and the second column should have a character vector
##' containing all the children nodes separated by commas (i.e. adjacent list
##' format).
##' @return A data.table object containing two columns: parent and children.
##' @export

adjacent2edge = function(tree){
    ## Data Quality Checks
    stopifnot(is(tree, "data.table"))
    stopifnot(sapply(tree, class) == c("character", "character"))
    children = strsplit(unlist(tree[, 2, with = FALSE]), ", ")
    data.table(parent = rep(unlist(tree[, 1, with = FALSE]),
                   sapply(children, length)),
               children = unlist(children))
mkao006/sws_util documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:06 a.m.