
Defines functions orientConnect

Documented in orientConnect

#' @rdname orientConnect
#' @export
#' @title
#' Connect to OrientDB DataBase
#' @description
#' \code{orientConnect} Create an OrientDB connection string to be used in further
#'  commands
#' @author
#' Mohamed Karim Bouaziz \email{mohamed.karim.bouaziz@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{orientDataBases}}, \code{\link{orientDataBaseDetail}}
#' @param host The host name to the OrientDB DataBase (by default "localhost").
#' @param username The username of the OrientDB DataBase.
#' @param password The password of the OrientDB DataBase.
#' @param port The Port of OrientDB DataBase (by default 2480)
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' orient<-orientConnect(host = "localhost", username = "admin", password = "admin", port = "2480")
orientConnect <-
  function(host = "localhost", username = "admin", password = "admin", port = "2480") {
    up <- paste(username, password, sep = ":")
    sp <- paste(host, port, sep = ":")
    orient<-paste(up, sp, sep = "@")
    sub(pattern = "https?://","",orient)
mkbouaziz/OrientR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:06 a.m.