Description Details Author(s) References
Functions for flora and vegetation analysis. Extracting ecological indices and ploting them using ggplot2.
Package: | MKDgeobot |
Type: | Package |
Version: | |
Date: | 2014-12-07 |
License: | GPL 2.0 |
This package contains very simple functions to group and plot share of ecological groups in floristic list and phytosociological releves. Due to local research custosm, some of these functions may be not usefull. Some of them may require modification to aim your goals. In package I also contained example datasets: one with phytosociological releves and one with floristic list. The usage of functions need 'data frame' with colnames like in example. It is (unfortunetaly) essential to **keep the order and names of columns** - because function 'tabelka()' is very simple/primitive.
Marcin K. Dyderski Complains, conclusions, improvements: <>
Jackowiak, B. 1993.Atlas rozmieszczenia ro<c5><9b>lin naczyniowych w Poznaniu (Atlas of distribution of vascular plants in Pozna<c5><84>). Prace Zak<c5><82>adu Taksonomii Ro<c5><9b>lin UAM w Poznaniu nr 2 (Publications of the Department of Plant Taxonomy of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna<c5><84> <e2><80><93> No 2). 409 pp. (Polish/English text).
Raty<c5><84>ska H., Wojterska M., Brzeg A., Ko<c5><82>acz M., 2011. Multimedialna encyklopedia zbiorowisk ro<c5><9b>linnych Polski. NFOSiGW, UKW, IETI.
Dzwonko Z., Loster S. 2001. Wska<c5><ba>nikowe gatunki starych las<c3><b3>w i ich znaczenie dla ochrony przyrody i kartografii ro<c5><9b>linno<c5><9b>ci. IGiPZ PAN, Prace Geogr., 178: 120<e2><80><93>132.
Ellenberg H., Leuschner C. 2010. Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen in <c3><b6>kologischer, dynamischer und historischer Sicht. UTB UmgH.
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