pctab: Phytosociological releves from Pozna<c5><84>

Description Format Details Source


This dataset contains 25 releves from Pozna<c5><84>. The releves were conducted from 2012-2014 in 5 types of forest plant communities: alder carrs Carici elongatae-Alnetum (rel. 1-5), ash-alder riparian forests Fraxino-Alnetum (rel. 6-10), Scots pine plantations - community Pinus-Padus (rel. 11-15), Black locust spontaneous tree stands (Chelidonio-Robinietum) and in oak-hornbeam forests (Galio-Carpinetum). The names of columns are names of species, with number of vegetation layer: 1 - tree layer 2 - lower tree layer (a2), 4- shrub layer, 6 - herb layer, 9 - moss layer


A data frame with 25 rows and 170 variables


The data was collected by Marcin K. Dyderski during geobotanical investigation of urban forests in Pozna<c5><84> (papers are in progres and in print, when will be avaiable, references will be set up). Data was deposed in Polish Vegetation Database.


releves were send to Polish Vegetation Database http://synbiot.uni.wroc.pl/en/pages/1000.html

mkdyderski/MKDgeobot documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:06 a.m.