wyk_hem: Plot the structure of hemeroby levels (Pozna<c5><84> only)

Description Usage Arguments References

View source: R/wyk_hem.R


This function plots the structure of hemeroby levels in flora. The usage of this index is constrained only to flora of Pozna<c5><84>, however it may be usefull for someone to modify this function. Hemeroby levels are taken by Jackowiak (1993) and shows species' reaction toanthropopressure


wyk_hem(co, ...)



"eco" data.frame, containing flora and species' properties


Jackowiak, B. 1993. Atlas rozmieszczenia ro<c5><9b>lin naczyniowych w Poznaniu (Atlas of distribution of vascular plants in Pozna<c5><84>). Prace Zak<c5><82>adu Taksonomii Ro<c5><9b>lin UAM w Poznaniu nr 2 (Publications of the Department of Plant Taxonomy of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna<c5><84> <e2><80><93> No 2). 409 pp. (Polish/English text).

mkdyderski/MKDgeobot documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:06 a.m.