Man pages for mkumar-rapttx/RAPTR
Custom R functions for RAPT Therapeutics

collapse_probe_idsCollapse a expression of probes to gene symbols
col_numeric_min_maxCustomized version of scales::col_numeric with extra control...
cornerReturns the first or last rows and columns of a subsettable...
downloadGEODownload files associated with a GEO accession number
getFeatureDataDownload feature data associated with a GEO accession number
getMaxScoresReturn tibble with max enrichment score for each gene set
getMetaDataDownload meta data associated with a GEO accession number
getProbeDataDownload probe data associated with a GEO accession number
import_CELimport a CEL file
kernelEnrichmentPerform gene set enrichment analysis using a kernel-weighted...
kernelEnrichmentMultiPerform gene set enrichment analysis using a kernel-weighted...
kernelEnrichmentPlotterPlot the scores returned by...
plot_leading_edgePlot expression of leading edge genes given enrichment result
read_enrichRImport a collection of gene sets downloaded from enrichR
robust_zCalculates a robust Z-score that does not have "exploding"...
run_fgseaRun GSEA given differential expression analysis and list of...
split_stringSplit a string at every position of a delimiter, and returns...
trunc_rangeTruncates a values to lower and/or upper bounds
mkumar-rapttx/RAPTR documentation built on July 3, 2021, 10:14 p.m.