
#' compose two or more functions (mainly for use in *apply and plyr functions)
#' @export
'%*%'<- function(f,g) UseMethod("compose",f)
compose.function <- function(f,g)function(...)f(g(...))
compose.default <- base::'%*%'

#' sprintf operator
#' @export
'%%' <- function(x, l)UseMethod('%%')
'%%.character' <- function(x, l){
  if(!is.list(l)) l <- list(l)
  do.call(function(...)sprintf(x, ...), l)
'%%.default' <- base::'%%'

#' extract or replace parts of a \code{svy} object
#' @export
#' @rdname subsetting
`[.svy` <- function(x, i, j, ...){
  nargs <- nargs()
  missingi <- missing(i)
  missingj <- missing(j)
  if(nargs == 2 || (nargs == 3 && missingi)){ 
    # only one parameter; this is a column edit, use tibble
    preserve(x, function(y)y[force(i), ...])
  } else {
    preserve(x, function(y){
      if(!missingj) y <- y[force(j), ...]
      y <- llply(y, function(q){
        q <- q[force(i)]
      }) %>% tibble::as_tibble(validate = FALSE)

#' extract a subset from a \code{svq} object
#' @export
#' @rdname subsetting
`[.svq` <- function(x, i, j, ...){
  nargs <- nargs()
  if(missing(i)) i <- 1:NROW(x)
  if(missing(j)) j <- 1:NCOL(x)
  # browser(expr = nargs != 2)
  if(nargs == 2){
    # only one parameter, subset rows, and protect matrix type and colnames
    if(is.matrix(x)) preserve(x,function(y)
      matrix(y[force(i),], ncol = ncol(y), dimnames = dimnames(x))) else
        # vectors and lists take a straight subset
  } else preserve(x, function(y)y[force(i),force(j),...])

#' extract a question from a survey by element name or question name
#'   @export
# `[[.svy` <- function(x, i, ...){
#   if(! is.character || all(i %in% names(x)))
#     structure(x, class = class(x)[-1])[[i]]
# }  
# '[.svy' <- function(x, i, j, ...){
#   nargs_ <- nargs()
#   missingi <- missing(i)
#   missingj <- missing(j)
#   if(nargs_ == 2){ # only one parameter; this is a column edit
#     if(length(i)==1){ # if i is just one column, return a one question svy
#       y <- tibble(x[,i])
#       names(y) <- names(x)[i]
#       y <- copy_atts(y,x)
#       return(y)
#     } else {
#       y <- x[ ,i]
#       return(y) # otherwise treat it like a two param call
#     }
#   }
#   if(missingi){ # not editing rows
#     y <- x
#   } else { # editing rows
#     if(missingj) j <- 1:ncol(x)
#     y <- preserve(x,function(a){
#       a <- as.data.frame(a)
#       a <- a[i,j]
#       a <- tibble::as_tibble(a, validate = FALSE)
#     })
#   }
#   if(missingj){ # not editing columns
#   } else {
#     if(length(j)==1) y <- getElement(y,j) else {
#       z <- preserve(y,function(a){
#         a <- as.data.frame(a)
#         a <- a[,j]
#         a <- as_tibble(a, validate = FALSE)
#       }) # do the subset, preserving atts
#       if(!all(names(z) %in% names(y))){ # if new names appear
#         z_ <- z[names(z) %in% names(y)]
#         z_ <- copy_atts(z_,y[names(z_)]) # copy atts for unchanged names
#         extra <- z[! names(z) %in% names(y)]
#         basenames <- sub("\\.[0-9]+$", names()) # find the origninal names
#         stopifnot(all(basenames %in% names(z_))) # copy atts for new names
#         extra <- copy_atts(extra, y[basenames])
#         y <- cbind(z_,extra)[match(names(y),c(names(z_),names(extra)))]
#         y <- copy_atts(y,z, recursive = FALSE)
#       } else {
#         z <- copy_atts(z, y)
#         y <- z
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   y
# }
mlgrm/svyr documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:08 a.m.