
Defines functions walk.bwd

Documented in walk.bwd

#' Stepwise backward selection
#' @description Stepwise backward selection in decomposable graphical models
#' @param x \code{gengraph}
#' @param df data.frame
#' @param q Penalty term in the stopping criterion  (\code{0} = AIC and \code{1} = BIC)
#' @param thres A threshold mechanism for choosing between two different ways of calculating
#' the entropy. Can Speed up the procedure with the "correct" value.
#' @details A \code{bwd} object can be created using the \code{gengraph} constructor with \code{type = "bwd"}
#' @return A \code{bwd} object; a subclass of \code{gengraph}) used for backward selection.
#' @examples
#' d <- derma[, 10:25]
#' g <- gengraph(d, type = "bwd")
#' s <- walk(g, d)
#' print(s)
#' plot(s)
#' adj_lst(s)
#' adj_mat(s)
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_graph}}, \code{\link{walk.fwd}}, \code{\link{gengraph}}
#' @export
walk.bwd <- function(x, df, q = .5, thres = 5) {
  nodes   <- names(x$adj_list)
  M       <- nrow(df)
  penalty <- log(M)*q + (1 - q)*2 
  e_min   <- Inf
  for (i in 1:ncol(x$adj_matrix)) {
    for (j in 1:i) {
      if (x$adj_matrix[i, j] == 1L) {
        pair <- c(nodes[i], nodes[j])
        pair_clique_idx <- 1L
        pair_in_cliques <- sapply(seq_along(x$adj_list_cg), function(z) {
          pair_in_z <- all(pair %in% x$adj_list_cg[[z]])
          if (pair_in_z) pair_clique_idx <<- z
        if (sum(pair_in_cliques) < 2) { # Eligeble for deletion
          C   <- x$adj_list_cg[[pair_clique_idx]]
          va  <- pair[1]
          vb  <- pair[2]
          Ca  <- setdiff(C, vb)
          Cb  <- setdiff(C, va)
          S   <- intersect(Ca, Cb)
          sp  <- sort_(pair)
          ed  <- entropy_difference(sp, S, df, x$mem, thres)
          ent <- ed[["ent"]]
          npc <- ed[["npc"]]
          dev <- 2 * M * ent
          d_parms <- if (x$sparse_qic) npc else prod(x$lvls[pair] - 1) * prod(x$lvls[S])
          d_qic   <- dev - penalty * d_parms
          if (d_qic <= e_min) {
            e_min <- d_qic
            x$e   <- structure(c(va, vb), "d_qic" = d_qic)
            x$S   <- S
  x$adj_list[[x$e[1]]] <- setdiff(x$adj_list[[x$e[1]]], x$e[2])
  x$adj_list[[x$e[2]]] <- setdiff(x$adj_list[[x$e[2]]], x$e[1])
  del_idx <- match(x$e, colnames(x$adj_matrix))
  x$adj_matrix[del_idx[1], del_idx[2]] <- 0L
  x$adj_matrix[del_idx[2], del_idx[1]] <- 0L
  x$adj_list_cg <- rip(x$adj_list, check = FALSE)$C
mlindsk/ess documentation built on Oct. 15, 2021, 9:12 a.m.