Tags: Add or Remove Job Tags

TagsR Documentation

Add or Remove Job Tags


Add and remove arbitrary tags to jobs.


addJobTags(ids = NULL, tags, reg = getDefaultRegistry())

removeJobTags(ids = NULL, tags, reg = getDefaultRegistry())

getUsedJobTags(ids = NULL, reg = getDefaultRegistry())



[data.frame or integer]
A data.frame (or data.table) with a column named “job.id”. Alternatively, you may also pass a vector of integerish job ids. If not set, defaults to all jobs. Invalid ids are ignored.


Tags to add or remove as strings. Each tag may consist of letters, numbers, underscore and dots (pattern “^[[:alnum:]_.]+”).


Registry. If not explicitly passed, uses the default registry (see setDefaultRegistry).


[data.table] with job ids affected (invisible).


tmp = makeRegistry(file.dir = NA, make.default = FALSE)
ids = batchMap(sqrt, x = -3:3, reg = tmp)

# Add new tag to all ids
addJobTags(ids, "needs.computation", reg = tmp)
getJobTags(reg = tmp)

# Add more tags
addJobTags(findJobs(x < 0, reg = tmp), "x.neg", reg = tmp)
addJobTags(findJobs(x > 0, reg = tmp), "x.pos", reg = tmp)
getJobTags(reg = tmp)

# Submit first 5 jobs and remove tag if successful
ids = submitJobs(1:5, reg = tmp)
if (waitForJobs(reg = tmp))
  removeJobTags(ids, "needs.computation", reg = tmp)
getJobTags(reg = tmp)

# Grep for warning message and add a tag
addJobTags(grepLogs(pattern = "NaNs produced", reg = tmp), "div.zero", reg = tmp)
getJobTags(reg = tmp)

# All tags where tag x.neg is set:
ids = findTagged("x.neg", reg = tmp)
getUsedJobTags(ids, reg = tmp)

mllg/batchtools documentation built on April 21, 2023, 11:49 a.m.