
#' @title Benchmark Multiple Learners on Multiple Tasks
#' @description
#' Runs a benchmark (possibly in parallel).
#' @param tasks (`list` of [Task()])\cr
#'   List of objects of type [Task()].
#' @param learners (`list` of [Learner()])\cr
#'   List of objects of type [Learner()].
#' @param resamplings (`list` of [Resampling()])\cr
#'   List of objects of type [Resampling()].
#' @param measures (`list` of [Measure()])\cr
#'   List of objects of type [Measure()].
#' @return [BenchmarkResult()].
#' @export
benchmark = function(tasks, learners, resamplings, measures) {
  assertList(tasks, "Task", min.len = 1L)
  assertList(learners, "Learner", min.len = 1L)
  assertList(resamplings, "Resampling", min.len = 1L)
  assertList(measures, "Measure", min.len = 1L)
  names(tasks) = assertNames(ids(tasks), "unique")
  names(learners) = assertNames(ids(learners), "unique")
  names(resamplings) = assertNames(ids(resamplings), "unique")
  names(measures) = assertNames(ids(measures), "unique")

  # instantiate resamplings for each task
  instances = setNames(vector("list", length(tasks)), names(tasks))
  for (tn in names(tasks)) {
    instances[[tn]] = setNames(vector("list", length(resamplings)), names(resamplings))
    for (rn in names(resamplings)) {
      instances[[tn]][[rn]] = resamplings[[rn]]$clone()$instantiate(tasks[[tn]])
  instances = unlist(instances, recursive = FALSE)

  fun = function(resampling) CJ(task = names(tasks), learner = names(learners), resampling = resampling$id, iter = seq_len(resampling$iters))
  grid = rbindlist(lapply(resamplings, fun))

  pm.level = "mlrng.resample"
  parallelLibrary(packages = "mlrng", master = FALSE, level = pm.level)
  resampling.ids = sprintf("%s.%s", grid$task, grid$resampling)
  resampling.checksums = BBmisc::vcapply(instances, function(x) x$checksum)

  experiments = parallelMap(
    fun = runExperiment,
    task = tasks[grid$task],
    learner = learners[grid$learner],
    resampling = instances[resampling.ids],
    resampling.iter = grid$iter,
    more.args = list(measures = measures, store.model = FALSE),
    level = pm.level
    resampling.ids = unname(resampling.checksums[resampling.ids]),
    resampling.iters = grid$iter)
mlr-org/mlrng documentation built on May 4, 2019, 4:22 p.m.