# Packages ----------------------------------------------------------------
device <- if (cuda_is_available()) "cuda" else "cpu"
num_steps <- 4000
content_weight <- 1e-5
style_weight <- 1e2
# Network definition ------------------------------------------------------
content_loss <- function(content, style) {
nnf_mse_loss(content, style)
gram_matrix <- function(input) {
size <- input$size()
features <- input$view(c(size[1] * size[2], size[3] * size[4]))
G <- torch_mm(features, features$t())
# we 'normalize' the values of the gram matrix
# by dividing by the number of element in each feature maps.
style_loss <- function(content, style) {
C <- gram_matrix(content)
S <- gram_matrix(style)
nnf_mse_loss(C, S)
cnn <- model_vgg19(pretrained = TRUE)$features$to(device = device)
# we create an nn_module that does the same as the sequential container but
# returns the results of all convolutions. we also replace inplace operations
# for copy on modify ones
features <- nn_module(
initialize = function(cnn) {
self$cnn <- cnn
forward = function(input) {
conv_outs <- list()
for (i in seq_along(self$cnn)) {
layer <- self$cnn[[i]]
if (inherits(layer, "nn_relu"))
input <- nnf_relu(input)
input <- layer(input)
if (inherits(layer, "nn_conv2d"))
conv_outs[[length(conv_outs) + 1]] <- input
model <- features(cnn)
# Loading images ----------------------------------------------------------
norm_mean <- c(0.485, 0.456, 0.406)
norm_std <- c(0.229, 0.224, 0.225)
normalize <- function(img) {
transform_normalize(img, norm_mean, norm_std)
denormalize <- function(img) {
transform_normalize(img, -norm_mean/norm_std, 1/norm_std)
load_image <- function(path) {
x <- jpeg::readJPEG(path) %>%
transform_to_tensor() %>%
transform_resize(c(512, 512))
x <- x[newaxis,..]
x <- normalize(x)
x$to(device = device)
style_img <- load_image("vignettes/examples/assets/picasso.jpg")
content_img <- load_image("vignettes/examples/assets/dancing.jpg")
content_img <- content_img$requires_grad_(TRUE)
# Optimization ------------------------------------------------------------
optimizer <- optim_adam(content_img, lr = 1)
lr_scheduler <- lr_step(optimizer, 100, 0.96)
for (step in seq_len(num_steps)) {
gc() # we have to call gc otherwise R tensors are not disposed.
content_features <- model(content_img)
style_features <- model(style_img)
# compute the content loss
l_content <- content_weight * content_loss(content_features[[4]], style_features[[4]])
# compute the style loss
l_style <- torch_tensor(0, device = device)
for (i in 1:5) {
l_style <- l_style + style_loss(content_features[[i]], style_features[[i]])
l_style <- style_weight * l_style
# compute the final loss
loss <- l_content + l_style
# optimization step
if (step %% 100 == 0)
"[Step: ", step, "] ",
"Loss: ", loss$item(),
" Content loss: ", l_content$item(),
"Style loss: ", l_style$item(),
# Visualize the final img
im <- denormalize(content_img)[1,..]$
permute(c(2, 3, 1))$
to(device = "cpu")$
clamp(0,1) %>% # make it [0,1]
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