
Defines functions multilevel_2levels

#' @importFrom lme4 lFormula VarCorr lmer
#' @importFrom Matrix Diagonal crossprod bdiag
#' @importFrom corpcor pseudoinverse
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table setkeyv
#' @importFrom stats setNames
multilevel_2levels <- function(cl, f.orig, dt.model.data, res.VC,
                               name.group.L2, name.y, names.X, names.X1, names.Z2,

  # Sort data by group to ensure that the groupwise readout (split) and the direct
  #   column readout has the same order
  data.table::setkeyv(x = dt.model.data,  cols = name.group.L2)

  # Because only 1 level name, the name to split by is the same as the L2 name. Therefore no separate variable name.splitby.L2

  # Build y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Only needed for calculating residuals for final object and in omitted var test
  y   <- multilevel_colstomatrix(dt = dt.model.data, name.cols = name.y)
  l.y <- multilevel_splittomatrix(dt = dt.model.data, name.group = name.y,  name.by = name.group.L2)

  # Build X, X1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Build lists with per group X matrices, build self because unknown ordering in lFormula

  l.X  <- multilevel_splittomatrix(dt = dt.model.data, name.group = names.X,  name.by = name.group.L2)
  l.X1 <- multilevel_splittomatrix(dt = dt.model.data, name.group = names.X1, name.by = name.group.L2)
  X    <- multilevel_colstomatrix(dt =  dt.model.data, name.cols = names.X)
  X1   <- multilevel_colstomatrix(dt =  dt.model.data, name.cols = names.X1)

    message("Detected multilevel model with 2 levels.")
    message("For ", name.group.L2, " (Level 2), ", length(l.X), " groups were found.")

  # Build Z2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Build lists with per group Z matrices, build self because unknown ordering in lFormula
  l.Z2 <- multilevel_splittomatrix(dt = dt.model.data, name.group = names.Z2, name.by = name.group.L2)

  # Extract VarCor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # get D.2 and variance of residuals from VarCor
  #  sc is only the the residual standard deviation

  D.2      <- res.VC[[name.group.L2]]
  sigma.sq <- (attr(res.VC, "sc")^2)

  # ensure sorting of D cols is same as Z columns
  D.2 <- D.2[colnames(l.Z2[[1]]), colnames(l.Z2[[1]]), drop = FALSE]

  # Calc V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Formula:
  #   p 515: V_s = R_s + Z_2sVar(err(2)_s)Z'_2s+Z_3sVar(err_s(3))Z'_3s
  #          -> For L2 case drop the Z_3 part
  #          R_s is sigma.sq, Var(err) = D.2 and D.3
  # Structure:
  # (18) V=blkdiag(V_s) and V = blkdiag(V1, . . . , Vn)

  # Calculate per school (L2) level
  l.V <- lapply(l.Z2, FUN = function(g.z2){
    Matrix::Diagonal(sigma.sq, n=nrow(g.z2)) + g.z2 %*% (D.2) %*% t(g.z2)

  # Whole V needed as vcov matrix
  V <- Matrix::bdiag(l.V)
  rownames(V) <- colnames(V) <- rownames(X)

  # Calc W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Formula:
  #   p.510: "the weight can be the inverse of the square root of the variance–covariance matrix of the disturbance term"
  #   W = V_{s}^(-1/2)

  # Do eigen decomp on each block
  l.W <- lapply(l.V, function(g.v){
    ei                     <- eigen(g.v)
    ei$values[ei$values<0] <- 0
    sValS                  <- 1/sqrt(ei$values)
    sValS[ei$values==0]    <- 0
    ei$vectors %*% (diag(x=sValS,nrow=NROW(sValS)) %*% t(ei$vectors))

  W <- Matrix::bdiag(l.W)
  rownames(W) <- colnames(W) <- rownames(X)

  # Calc Q -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Formula:
  #    (8): Q(1)_sc=I_sc-P(Z_2sc) where P(H) = H(H'H)^(-1)H' (p.510)
  # Structure:
  #   p.512: Q(1) = blkdiag(Q(1)_sc)
  # From example code:
  #   Qsc = i(Tsc) - Wsc*Zsc*ginv(Zsc`*Wsc*Wsc*Zsc)*Zsc`*Wsc;
  # Move the diagonal outside as the blocks are all square and therefore the diagnoal is the same
  l.Q <- mapply(l.Z2, l.W, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, FUN = function(g.z2, g.w){
    g.w %*% g.z2 %*% corpcor::pseudoinverse(Matrix::crossprod(g.z2, g.w) %*% g.w %*% g.z2) %*%
      Matrix::crossprod(g.z2, g.w)

  Q <- Matrix::Diagonal(x=1, n=nrow(W)) - Matrix::bdiag(l.Q)

  # Calc P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Formula:
  #   p.510: P = P(H) = H(H'H)^(-1)H'
  #   But because Q = I - P -> P = I - Q
  #   and also (12): P(1)_sc=I_sc-Q(1)_sc
  # Structure:
  #   Where P(1)=blkdiag(P(1)_sc), ie also same as Q
  P <- Matrix::Diagonal(x=1, n=nrow(Q)) - Q

  # Drop near zero values ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Very small values (ca 0) can cause troubles during inverse caluclation

  W  <- Matrix::drop0(W, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  X  <- Matrix::drop0(X, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  X1 <- Matrix::drop0(X1,tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  Q  <- Matrix::drop0(Q, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  P  <- Matrix::drop0(P, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

  # Build instruments --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # "As noted above, bGMM equals bRE when X = X1, where all variables are assumed to be exogenous.
  #   At the opposite end, where X1 is empty, we obtain bFE by using only the QX part of the instruments (see Section 3.1).
  #   Therefore, X1 can be as small as empty and as large as X. In between, we obtain different bGMM’s for different sets of X1"

  # original code for the L2 case only HIVs12, line 318ff
  #  "Consequently, the instruments H consist of QX and PX1" (p.516)
  #  H_2s=(Q(2)_sX_s : P(2)_sX2s)
  HIV.FE_L2 <- Q %*% (W%*%(X))

  # End page 517:
  # H_1sgls = (Q(1)_sglsV^-0.5X_s:P(1)_sglsV^-0.5X_1s)
  #   where Q(1)_sgls = I_sc-P(V^0.5_sZ_2sc)
  #   and   P(1)_sgls = I_sc-Q(1)_sgls

  # GMM
  HIV.GMM_L2 <- cbind(Q %*% W%*%X, P%*%W%*%X1)

  HREE   <- W %*% X

  # Estimate GMMs for IVs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  n <- length(l.X) # num schools = num groups
  res.gmm.FE_L2    <- multilevel_gmmestim(y=y, X=X, W=W, HIV=HIV.FE_L2,  num.groups.highest.level = n)
  res.gmm.GMM_L2   <- multilevel_gmmestim(y=y, X=X, W=W, HIV=HIV.GMM_L2, num.groups.highest.level = n)
  res.gmm.HREE     <- multilevel_gmmestim(y=y, X=X, W=W, HIV=HREE,       num.groups.highest.level = n)

  # Omitted Var tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # To conduct the OVT correctly, the order of the IVs have to be that IV
  #   is always the efficient estimator:
  #     IV1 is always FE when comparing it with REF and GMM;
  #     IV1 is FE_L2 when comparing it with FE_L3
  #     IV1 is GMM when comparing it with REF

  FE_L2_vs_REF   <-  multilevel_omittedvartest(IV1=HIV.FE_L2, IV2 = HREE,
                                               res.gmm.IV1 = res.gmm.FE_L2, res.gmm.IV2 = res.gmm.HREE,
                                               W=W, l.Lhighest.X = l.X, l.Lhighest.y = l.y)
  FE_L2_vs_GMM_L2  <-  multilevel_omittedvartest(IV1 = HIV.FE_L2, IV2 = HIV.GMM_L2,
                                                 res.gmm.IV1 = res.gmm.FE_L2,res.gmm.IV2 = res.gmm.GMM_L2,
                                                 W=W, l.Lhighest.X = l.X, l.Lhighest.y = l.y)
  GMM_L2_vs_REF  <-  multilevel_omittedvartest(IV1 = HIV.GMM_L2, IV2=HREE,
                                               res.gmm.IV1 = res.gmm.GMM_L2, res.gmm.IV2 = res.gmm.HREE,
                                               W=W, l.Lhighest.X = l.X, l.Lhighest.y = l.y)

  # Return --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              call = cl,
              formula = f.orig,
              num.levels = 2,
              l.group.size = list(L2 = setNames(length(l.X), name.group.L2)),
              dt.model.data = dt.model.data,
              V = V,
              W = W,
              # The list names determine the final naming of the coefs
              l.gmm = list(FE_L2  = res.gmm.FE_L2,
                           GMM_L2 = res.gmm.GMM_L2,
                           REF    = res.gmm.HREE),
              l.ovt = list(FE_L2_vs_REF    = FE_L2_vs_REF,
                           GMM_L2_vs_REF   = GMM_L2_vs_REF,
                           FE_L2_vs_GMM_L2 = FE_L2_vs_GMM_L2),
              y = y,
              X = X))
mmeierer/REndo documentation built on July 16, 2024, 4:25 a.m.