
Defines functions addBatchMeans

Documented in addBatchMeans

addBatchMeans<-function(metab.col, batch.col, in.data, sample.type.name, analytical.type.name, color.col=NULL){

	#This function takes a data frame of metabolite abundances and batch information, 
	#calculates mean metabolite abundance per batch, and appends the means to the 
	#bottom of the input data. 
	# metab.col: A character value indicating the name of the variable in the input data set
	#			 that corresponds to metabolite abundance. 
	# batch.col: A character value indicating the name of the variable in the input data set 
	#			 corresponding to batch. 
	# in.data: A data frame containing the variables specified in metab.col, batch.col, and color.col
	# sample.type.name: A character value indicating the type of sample: "Quality Control" or "Experimental"
	# analytical.type.name: A character value indicating whether the data have been normalized. Either 
	#						"Before Normalization" or "After Normalization". 
	# color.col: A character value indicating the name of the variable in the input data set 
	#			 corresponding to a grouping variable (for instance mom vs. baby samples). 
	#	A data frame of metabolite abundances, with batch specific means appended to the end. 
	#grab target columns 
	target.cols<-c(metab.col, batch.col, 'sample.type', 'analytical.type', color.col, 'outlier')
	data.target<-in.data[ , target.cols]
	data.target$point.type<-"Observed Data"
	#get rid of infinite rows
	any.non.inf.non.outlying.data<-data.target[!is.infinite(data.target$metabolite.abundance) & !data.target$outlier, ]
	if (nrow(any.non.inf.non.outlying.data)>0){
		#to get means more easily, set infinite values to NA
		non.inf.data[is.infinite(non.inf.data$metabolite.abundance), 'metabolite.abundance']<-NA
		#also set outliers to NA
		non.inf.data[non.inf.data$outlier, 'metabolite.abundance']<-NA
		#get batch specific means
		mean.annotation<-ddply(non.inf.data, as.quoted(c(batch.col, color.col)), summarize, metabolite.abundance=mean(substitute(metabolite.abundance),na.rm=T))
		mean.annotation$point.type<-"Batch Specific Mean"
		#merge into a single df 
		final.data<-rbind(data.target, mean.annotation[ , target.data.cols])

mnodzenski/metabomxtr documentation built on Aug. 24, 2022, 1:40 p.m.