Man pages for moggces/Rcurvep
Concentration-Response Data Analysis using Curvep

cal_knee_pointCalculate the knee point on the exponential-like curve
combi_run_rcurvepRun Curvep on datasets of concentration-response data with a...
create_datasetCreate concentration-response datasets that can be applied in...
curvepThe Curvep function to process one set of...
curvep_defaultsDefault parameters of Curvep
estimate_dataset_bmrEstimate benchmark response (BMR) for each dataset
fit_cc2_modlFit concentration-response data using Curve Class2 approach
fit_modlsFit one set of concentration-response data using types of...
get_hill_fit_configGet the default configurations for the Hill fit
merge_rcurvep_objsMerge results from multiple rcurvep objects
plot.rcurvep_bmrPlot BMR diagnostic curves
Rcurvep-packageRcurvep: Concentration-Response Data Analysis using Curvep
run_fitRun parametric fits using types of models on...
run_rcurvepRun Curvep on datasets of concentration-response data
summarize_fit_outputSummarize the results from the parametric fitting using types...
summarize_rcurvep_outputClean and summarize the output of rcurvep object
zfishbehSubsets of concentration response datasets from zebrafish...
zfishdevSubsets of concentration response datasets from zebrafish...
zfishdev_actActivity output based on simulated datasets using...
zfishdev_allFull sets of concentration response datasets from zebrafish...
moggces/Rcurvep documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 3:30 a.m.