knitr::opts_chunk$set(message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)

Here, we show the use of the hyper-geometric distribution to test for enrichment of a (biologically relevant) category (e.g., a pathway) in a differential gene expression signature. We will show the use of the functions phyper and fisher.test. We will then show the definition of a simple script to perform "hyper-enrichment" across multiple categories/pathways.

Recall the set-up from the slides (BS831_class05_ComparativeEnrichment.pptx). enrichment

Loading the Data

We start by loading the package containing the hyperEnrichment script.

We start by loading the code containing the hyperEnrichment scripts.



# show the size of the first 10 genesets

# show the size of the signatures

# let's rename the signatures
names(hyperSig) <- gsub("UP","REPRESSED",gsub("DN","ACTIVATED",names(hyperSig)))

The genesets (the categories) represent a subset of the genesets contained in the MSgigDB's c2.cp compendium. The signatures represent the up- and down-regulated genes in oral cancer cell lines where one of several regulators (TAZ, YAP, TAZ/YAP, DPAGT1) was knocked down (KD).

For example, the "YAP" signature was obtained by performing differential analysis on a 6-sample datasets corresponding to "knockdown vs. control" (3 vs. 3) experiments performed on the HSC3 oral cancer cell line. The genes significantly down-regulated (up-regulated) upon knockdown represent the genes assumed to be activated (repressed) by TAZ.

Enrichment test by phyper

We first test for enrichment of a single geneset in a single signature using the function phyper (the cumulative function of the hyper-geometric distribution). The background population is set to 23,467, which represents the number of annotated genes in the dataset used to derive the differential signature.

## background population
backpop <- 23467

## let us extract the signature of YAP-activated genes
signature <- hyperSig$YAP.ACTIVATED

## and a REACTOME pathway
pathway <- getGeneSet(hyperGsets)[["REACTOME_TRANSCRIPTION"]]

## let's check the overlap (if any)
print( overlap <- length(intersect(signature,pathway)) )

## let us take a look at the phyper arguments (call ?phyper for more details)

## let us apply the function to our data (see figure)
phyper( q=overlap-1,               # number of red marbles in the draw - 1 (see below)
        m=length(pathway),         # number of red marbles in urn
        n=backpop-length(pathway), # number of green marbles in urn 
        k=length(signature),       # Number of drawn marbles
        lower.tail=FALSE)          # compute P( X > overlap ), hence the '-1' above
                                   # achieve P(X≥overlap)

Clearly, the category (pathway) "REACTOME_TRANSCRIPTOME" is highly significantly enriched in the signature of YAP-activated genes.

Enrichment test by fisher.test

We then show how we can obtain equivalent results using the fisher.test function. We first need to properly fill-in a contingency table, and then apply the function.

## we need to define the contingency table
##       | DRAWN   !DRAWN | TOT
## ------+----------------+----
## GREEN |  k-q   n-m-k+q | n-m
##   RED |   q      m-q   |  m
## ------+----------------+----
##   TOT |   k      n-k   |  n

contable <- matrix(c(
    nr=length(pathway)-overlap),2,2,dimnames=list(c("GREEN","RED"),c("DRAWN","not DRAWN")))



As you can see, the p-value is the same (p=1.263e-06).

Defining and applying a "Hyper-Enrichment" function

We here define a (relatively) simple function, hyperEnrichment, to run hyper-geometric-based enrichment tests on multiple signatures and mutiple genesets.

## function copied from hypeR
hyperEnrichment <- function(
    if (!is(signature, "vector")) stop("Expected signature to be a vector of symbols\n")
    if (!is(genesets, "list")) stop("Expected genesets to be a list of genesets\n")

    signature <- unique(signature)
    genesets <- lapply(genesets, unique)

    # Construct table
    signature.found <- signature[signature %in% unique(unlist(genesets))]
    n.hits <- sapply(genesets, function(x, y) length(intersect(x, y)), signature.found)
    n.drawn <- length(signature)
    n.genesets <- sapply(genesets, length)
    n.left <- background-n.genesets

    # Hypergeometric test
    pvals <- suppressWarnings(stats::phyper(q=n.hits-1,

    # Format data
    data <- data.frame(label=names(genesets),
                       pval=signif(pvals, 2),
                       fdr=signif(stats::p.adjust(pvals, method="fdr"), 2),
                       hits=sapply(genesets, function(x, y) paste(intersect(x, y), collapse=','), signature.found),

    # Handle plots
    if (plotting) {
        plots <- mapply(function(geneset, title) {
            ggvenn(signature, geneset, "Signature", "Geneset", title)
        }, genesets, names(genesets), USE.NAMES=TRUE, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    } else {
        plots <- lapply(genesets, function(x) {ggempty()})

    return(list(data=data, plots=plots))

We then apply it to the list of oral cancer knockdown signatures and two MSigDB geneset compendia, the set of canonical pathways c2.cp and a set of hallmark genesets h.all [Liberzon et al., 2015].

hyperE <- hyperEnrichment(signature=hyperSig,categories=getGeneSet(hyperGsets),ntotal=backpop) 
hyperE.fdr25 <- hyperE[hyperE[,'fdr']<=0.25,]

## let us save it as a '.xlsx' object for you to inspect
write.xlsx(hyperE.fdr25, file=file.path(system.file("extdata", package="BS831"), "hyperE.fdr25.xls"))

Let's load a different geneset compendium (hallmark genesets)

HALL <- new("GeneSet", file.path(system.file("extdata", package="BS831"), "h.all.v6.1.symbols.gmt"))
# show the size of the first 10 genesets
hyperHALL <- hyperEnrichment(drawn=hyperSig,categories=getGeneSet(HALL),ntotal=backpop)
hyperHALL.fdr25 <- hyperHALL[hyperHALL[,'fdr']<=0.25,]

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