survtd: Fit survival hazard models with time-dependent covariates

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References Examples


survtd fits semi-parametric Cox proportional hazards or additive hazards models with time-fixed covariates of any type and time-dependent covariates with either of these approaches: Multiple Imputation for Joint Modeling (MIJM);Unadapted version of that approach (unMIJM); Simple two-stage approach (simple2S); Last observation carried forward approach (LOCF).


survtd(formula, data, id, visit.time, model = "Cox", method = "MIJM",
  M = 5, G = 5, time.trend = as.formula("~x"))



A formula object, with the response on the left of a ~ operator, and the terms on the right as regressors. The response must be a survival object as returned by the Surv function of type "right" (other types are not supported at this stage). Time-dependent regressors are specified by the wrapper td() (see Examples section below). This development version does not support interactions nor terms constructed using I(). The user thus needs to create the necessary interaction/derived variables in the dataset before using this function.


A data.frame in which to interpret the variables named in the formula. The dataset needs to be in long format, with one row per individual and per visit time at which any of the time-dependent covariates were measured, with the corresponding measurements. The dataset must also include a variable that uniquely identifies observations from the same individual (see parameter id below); a variable that indicates the timing of each measurement visit (see parameter visit.time below); and other fixed variables (time-to-event, event indicator, time-fixed covariates) which are constant across rows of the same individual.


The name of the variable in data that uniquely identifies observations from the same individual.


The name of the variable in data that indicates the timing of each visit.


Indicates which hazard model to fit. Options are "Cox" for the Cox proportional hazard model and "Add" for the semi-parametric additive hazards model.


Indicates which method to use to fit the model. Options are "MIJM", "unMIJM", "LOCF" and "simple2S". Both "MIJM" and "unMIJM" use a two-stage joint modeling approach based on multiple imputation to incorporate time-varying continuous covariates (see Details section below). Method "LOCF" uses the Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF) approach. Method "simple2S" is a simple two-stage approach (see Details section below).


Number of imputations to perform for methods "MIJM" and "unMIJM" (ignored if method="LOCF" or "simple2S").


Number of iterations to perform in multiple imputation by chained equations (MICE) algorithm for methods "MIJM" and "unMIJM" (ignored if method is "LOCF" or "simple2S").


Formula object with empty left hand side and right hand side expressing a polynomial of "x" which determines the way time is modeled in the fixed effects part of the linear mixed model for each time-depdent marker (ignored if method="LOCF"). Default is a linear trend (i.e. include visit.time as predictor in the model). The random effects part includes a random intercept and slope. Future development plans are to allow a different time.trend argument for each marker, the possibility to include natural cubic splines in this argument and more general random effects structures.


The survtd function can be used to fit the Cox proportional hazards or semi-parametric additive hazard models with time-depedent covariates.

Methods "MIJM" and "unMIJM" can be used to fit models with time-fixed covariates of any type and multiple continuous time-dependent covariates. To deal with the discrete-time observation of the time-varying covariates, particularly measurement error and missing data, a two-stage joint modeling approach is used that is based on multiple imputation. Details are provided in Moreno-Betancur et al. (2017), but briefly, in Stage 1 the true (error-corrected) values of the time-dependent covariates at each event time at which an individual is at risk are multiply imputed by drawing iteratively from smoothed trajectories based on interdependent linear mixed models using Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE). An adaptation of the mice function from the mice package is used for this step, largely based on the procedure developed by Moreno-Betancur and Chavance (2016). In Stage 2, the time-to-event model is fitted to each of the imputed datasets (see below) and estimates are pooled using Rubin's MI formulas.

The two methods "MIJM" and "unMIJM" differ in the way information about the event occurrence is included in the imputation models: the "unMIJM" method includes the the event indicator, while the "MIJM" approach is based on a more refined approximation including a modified event indicator (see Moreno-Betancur et al. 2017). Hence, the approach "MIJM" is generally preferable.

The "simple2S" method can be used to fit models with time-fixed covariates of any type and multiple continuous time-dependent covariates using a simple two-stage approach. This method singly imputes each continuous marker at each event time from its estimated trajectory obtained from a linear mixed model including fixed and random effects for time (see description of time.trend argument) and fixed effects for the time-fixed covariates appearing in the formula argument. The method thus ignores: the uncertainty in these imputed values, the interrelations between the time-dependent markers and the relation between the time-dependent markers and the time-to-event process (see Moreno-Betancur et al. 2017).

The "LOCF" method can be used with any type of time-fixed and time-varying covariates (categorical or continuous). This approach uses the last available measurement of the time-varying covariate to singly impute its value at each event time at which an individual is at risk. It can perform very poorly if the observations are not synchronously updated across individuals (e.g. due to missing data) and if the time-varying covariates are measured with error (see Moreno-Betancur et al. 2017).

Once the values of the time-dependent covariates are imputed at each of the event-times at which the individual is at risk according to either of the four methods, the function uses coxph from the survival package to fit the Cox model and aalen from the timereg package to fit the additive model.


This development version returns a data frame with regression coefficient estimates for each covariate based on the method chosen, along with standard errors, 95% confidence intervals and p-values. This will change in future versions when a proper class of objects and summary and other such methods are developed.


Moreno-Betancur M, Carlin JB, Brilleman SL, Tanamas S, Peeters A, Wolfe R (2017). Survival analysis with time-dependent covariates subject to missing data or measurement error: Multiple Imputation for Joint Modeling (MIJM). Biostatistics [Epub ahead of print 12 Oct 2017].

Moreno-Betancur M., Chavance M. (2016) Sensitivity analysis of incomplete longitudinal data departing from the missing at random assumption: Methodology and application in a clinical trial with drop-outs. Statistical methods in medical research, 25 (4), 1471-1489 [Epub ahead of print, May 22 2013]


  ## Example with additive model ##


         data=dat,  id="ID", visit.time="tj", model="Add",
         method="MIJM", M=5, G=5,time.trend=as.formula("~x+I(x^2)"))

         data=dat,  id="ID", visit.time="tj", model="Add",
         method="simple2S", M=5, G=5,time.trend=as.formula("~x+I(x^2)"))

         data=dat,  id="ID", visit.time="tj", model="Add",
         method="LOCF", M=5, G=5)


moreno-betancur/survtd documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:07 p.m.