
Defines functions fbSimLikes

Documented in fbSimLikes

#' Show pages that are liked by a public Facebook page and stores them in a data frame
#' Show posts of a public Facebook page, by returning a data frame in which are collected the name of the page and the identifier.
#' The function needs a valid profile Chrome folder (see \code{fbSetAccount} for more information)
#' @param page_id The public likes of the Fb page to be shown.
#' @param user_path The location of the profile folder (folder name included).
#' @param chrome_ver The installed version of Google Chrome. To get the Chrome version go to chrome://version in Chrome's address bar and use the first two digits - e.g. if the version is 73.0.3683.86, just use 73). 
#' @return A dataframe with information on public pages.
#' @author Moreno Mancosu \email{moreno.mancosu@@carloalberto.org}, Federico Vegetti \email{vegetti.fede@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{setFbAccount}}
#' @examples
#' page_id <- "116716651695782" #Silvio Berlusconi's official page ID
#' user_path <- "C:/Users/Username/Desktop/Chrome_profile"
#' data <- fbSimLikes(user_path, page_id)
#' @export

fbSimLikes <- function(page_id, user_path, chrome_ver = 86) {

    ### Error if missing argument(s)
    if (methods::missingArg(page_id) | methods::missingArg(user_path)) {
        stop("missing argument(s)",call.=FALSE)

  ver <- "86.0.4240.22"
  if(chrome_ver==86) {
    ver <- "86.0.4240.22"
  } else if(chrome_ver==85) { 
    ver <- "85.0.4183.87"
  } else if(chrome_ver==84) { 
    ver <- "84.0.4147.30"
  } else if(chrome_ver==83) { 
    ver <- "83.0.4103.39"
  } else if(chrome_ver==81) { 
    ver <- "81.0.4044.138"
  } else if(chrome_ver==80) { 
    ver <- "80.0.3987.106"
  } else if(chrome_ver==79) { 
    ver <- "	79.0.3945.36"
  } else if(chrome_ver==78) { 
    ver <- "78.0.3904.70"
  } else if(chrome_ver==77) {
    ver <- "77.0.3865.40"
  } else if(chrome_ver==76) {
    ver <- "76.0.3809.126"
  } else if(chrome_ver==75) {
    ver <- "75.0.3770.140"
  } else if(chrome_ver==74) {
    ver <- "74.0.3729.6"  
  } else if(chrome_ver==73) {
    ver <- "73.0.3683.68" 
  } else {
    stop("Invalid chrome version. fbSim supports Chrome 73 or higher.",call.=FALSE)
    #### loads the right version of chromedriver
    #### and passes the profile options. It creates the folder
    cDrv <- wdman::chrome(version = ver, verbose = FALSE, check = TRUE)
    eCaps <- RSelenium::getChromeProfile(dataDir = user_path, 
                                         profileDir = "Profile1")
    eCaps$chromeOptions$args[[3]] <- "--disable-notifications"
    # eCaps$chromeOptions$args[[4]] <- "--headless"
    # if( minimal==TRUE) {
    #   eCaps$chromeOptions$args[[5]] <- "--window-position=20,20"
    #   eCaps$chromeOptions$args[[6]] <- "--window-size=20,20"
    # }
    remDr<- RSelenium::remoteDriver(remoteServerAddr = "localhost", 
                                    browserName = "chrome", 
                                    port = 4567L, 
                                    extraCapabilities = eCaps)

    #========== FROM UID TO ID ================
     ### Opens a session and goes to the chosen page
    url_id <- paste0("https://m.facebook.com/", page_id)
    error = function(e) {
        stop("something went wrong. Check your internet connection and try again.",call.=FALSE)
    if(length(remDr$findElements(using = 'id', 'mobile_login_bar')) > 0) {
      stop("you are not logged in. Please run fbSetAccount and try again.", 
           call. = FALSE)
    var <- remDr$findElements(using = 'xpath', '//form[@method="post"]')
    elemtxt <- var[[1]]$getElementAttribute("outerHTML")[[1]]
    elemxml <- XML::htmlTreeParse(elemtxt, useInternalNodes = T, encoding = "UTF-8")
    uid <- gsub("^.*?id=", "", elemtxt)
    uid <- gsub("\\\" .*$", "", uid)
    ### FANS
    ### Opens a session and goes to the chosen page
    url_id <- paste0("https://www.facebook.com/browse/fanned_pages/?id=", uid)
    error = function(e) {
        stop("something went wrong. Check your internet connection and try again.",call.=FALSE)
    #### PARSING
    var <- remDr$findElements(using = 'xpath', '//li[@class="fbProfileBrowserListItem"]')
    if(length(var) == 0) {
        print("No pages liked by the selected page.")
    } else {
        link_data <- data.frame(page_id = 0,
                                page_name = 0,
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        for(i in 1:length(var)) {
            elemtxt <- var[[i]]$getElementAttribute("outerHTML")[[1]] ####CHANGE COUNTER
            elemxml <- XML::htmlTreeParse(elemtxt, useInternalNodes = T, encoding = "UTF-8")
            page_name <- XML::xpathSApply(elemxml, "//a", XML::xmlValue)
            page_name <- page_name[2]
            ### page_id
            page_id <- XML::xpathSApply(elemxml, "//a", XML::xmlAttrs)
            page_id <- gsub("^.*facebook.com/","",page_id[1])
            page_id <- gsub("/.*$","",page_id)
            link_data[i,] <- "NA"
            link_data$page_name[i] <- page_name
            link_data$page_id[i] <- page_id
    # Return data
morenomancosu/fbSim documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 3:41 a.m.