ElectricDevices: Electric Devices data set

Description Usage Format Source References


These problems were taken from data recorded as part of government sponsored study called Powering the Nation. The intention was to collect behavioural data about how consumers use electricity within the home to help reduce the UK's carbon footprint. The data contains readings from 251 households, sampled in two-minute intervals over a month. Each series is length 720 (24 hours of readings taken every 2 minutes). Classes are ...




The variables are as follows:


https://www.uea.ac.uk/computing/machine-learning/elastic-ensembles and http://timeseriesclassification.com/description.php?Dataset=ElectricDevices


Saito, N., Coifman, R. R. (1994). Local feature extraction and its applications using a library of bases (Doctoral dissertation, Yale University). https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~saito/publications/saito_phd.pdf

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